Thank You – It’s Never Too Late

by Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
I took a few months off to deal with some personal matters. As a result, I left many notices, un-noticed. In other words, I didn’t respond with my normal thank you to many of you. This week, I’ve spent time on Hootsuite, the site I use to schedule posts for some of my social media, saying a belated thank you to many of you.
This has been the most unusual year of our lives. None of us saw CoVID coming. We weren’t prepared to have our lives turned upside-down. Caught off-guard. No warning. Just BAM! There it was, and we had to deal with it on a daily basis.
From simple, yet crucial things like toilet paper, to the essentials such as milk for the kids, meds for many of us, life got a lot more challenging. At one point, we put four rolls of toilet paper into a box and mailed it to one of our sons who could find none. Anywhere. We were thankful we could share what we had.
As I sat here this week, scrolling through Hootsuite, I came upon comment after comment to one of my Tweets or to a post to LinkedIn. I was horrified that I hadn’t responded to those people. I began scrolling through and simply typing in Thank you. I’m embarrassed at not having done that sooner. But sometimes things happen that are out of our control and we have to do what we have to do. Putting my writing life on hold, and all things associated with that, for a time was my decision.
It was also my decision to say a belated thank you to those who had taken the time to share a Tweet or a post. It’s never too late to say thank you. Ever.
In this Christmas season, likely the strangest one most of us will have lived through, we’ll be receiving many gifts for which we will be saying thank you.
This year, I pray that we all will take the time to extend our deepest gratitude to Father God for the gift of the little babe who was born for the sole purpose of giving to each of us, eternal life. Truly, the best gift we will ever receive. But here’s the thing—though freely given, each of us has to decide whether or not we will accept that perfect gift. Father God is always there, hand outstretched to you with love. He knows you. His desire is for you to be with Him for eternity. That only happens when you say, Thank you, Father, for the gift of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I accept this gift, Father, and I thank you with all of my heart.
It’s never too late to say Thank You.
Saying Thanks - It's Never Too Late #writing #faith Share on XI hope you enjoy this little gift to you. A link to one of the best pieces of music ever written. I’ve been blessed to sing this many times in my life. Thanks Be to God.
The Conversation
Needed this piece of humble pie this morning. I’m thankful for you, my friend. May God continue to bless you and keep you close to His heart.
See, it takes me a while sometimes. But it is NEVER too late! Thank you for reading and commenting. I’m so thankful for you, too!