Spiritual Warfare is Ramping Up – Time to Put on Our Armor

I wrote a blog post about three years ago about spiritual warfare. I pinned that post to Pinterest, and to this day, it is one of my most frequently seen/saved pins.

If we thought spiritual warfare was bad a few years ago, just think about how much worse it is today. We are so divided as a nation, and even within churches. It’s sad to see this.


Spiritual warfare.


Ephesians 6:12 (ESV) tells us, For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

 This is spiritual warfare for the souls of all mankind.

Spiritual Warfare is Ramping Up - Time to Put on Our Armor @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing #SpiritualWarfare Share on X

That’s you and me, our children, our grandchildren, and generations to come. Our friends, neighbors, fellow church members. Anyone with whom you come into contact on a day-to-day basis.

Here is what I’ve learned in my Bible study over the past few years. Again, I am no Bible scholar. What I write is from personal experience and understanding. Perhaps your views differ. That’s okay. We all have to decide what our beliefs are.

The good news is Jesus won this battle at the cross. Satan has been defeated, but you can still turn your back on Jesus and His Word. If you do, your only other choice is Satan.

Think about that.

Two sides, good or evil.

Right or wrong.

God’s justice or man’s justice.

I honestly don’t believe you can know the difference unless you’ve read and studied every single Word in the Bible. I mean, dig deep. Exegete it. Use your cross references and trusted commentaries to help you see what exactly is meant in each and every single verse of Scripture. Get some from a variety of views to see where your thoughts align. I’m still learning, so I’m sure I’m making mistakes, but I pray, and I continue to seek, to learn.


Now, you can tell I’m extremely conservative in my thoughts. I’m not apologizing for that.

I can honestly say that I seek Holy Spirit’s guidance as I compose my posts each week. I write about things He’s laid on my heart.

But they will always, always reflect my personal, conservative view of things. I don’t support worldly thoughts or opinions at all. I realize that modern or postmodern as most anti-Christian thought is today, comes from the prince of the power of the air—Satan.

Only you know where you stand with Jesus. Either you believe every word of His Word, or you don’t. My belief is there is no room for compromise. We don’t change the Bible and what it says to fit modern thought and opinions, and modern culture. Indeed, the Bible tells us, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever, Hebrews 13:8 (ESV). We should never change His words and teachings to fit modern man’s ideas. We need to remember Who Christ is.


Ephesians 6:13-18 tells us to arm ourselves with the full armor of God. This is how we are to fight these dark times and thoughts. With the Word of God! Everything you need to fight in these dark days is within the pages of the Bible. God’s instruction book for how we are to think, act, and live our lives as Followers of Christ. It isn’t how the world sees things. It’s how God has already seen them and planned them from before time began.

We know who wins.

Jesus Christ, God’s only Son who died for all who will receive Him, was buried, was risen from the dead, and now sits at the right hand of God, His and our Father.

If you’re not sure about where you will spend eternity. Contact me. I’ll be glad to share the Gospel message, Good News, with you.

I’ll be praying for you. For you to walk into the Light of Truth, and into His presence. All other roads lead to eternal darkness. In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus Himself tells us, Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few (ESV).

Armor up, my friends. These are dark days.

Blessings, y’all!

I love John MacArthur. We’ve followed him for the past three years and have learned so much from his exegesis of Scripture. Look at all those men ready to obey the Great Commission. These are men enrolled in the Master’s Seminary in California. If you’ve never heard Dr. Mac preach, listen to a sermon to see how he presents it and uses only Scripture to explain Scripture. He’s amazing! This hymn came to mind as I finished writing this. And this was the first thing that came up on YouTube. I hope you will be blessed by it.


    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thankful God goes before and with me, and hems me in. And mostly, that He has already won. Appreciate the post, Debbie.

  2. Dianne Jordan says:

    We are in a spiritual battle -good vs. evil. It will get much darker before it gets better. God will fight for us- Isaiah59:19 (AMPC) when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      My dear long-time friend, you are so right. So many people just can’t see what lies ahead.
      But we know it’s coming because we’ve read His Word! Thankful for that. Thankful for
      knowing the One who died to save us!
      Blessings and love!

  3. Jane H Green says:

    Thanks for the reminder and encouragement to “Put on our armor”. It is definitely more important now than ever as the world is sinking into disorder and everything is backwards or upside down from where it should be. And you are so right, we have to stay in the Bible, looking for help and answers to fight against the attacks of evil. Loved your post!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      These are dark days. It’s only going to get worse before it finally ends with our Lord’s appearing.
      Thankful to have God’s armor at hand!

  4. Tim says:

    Great post, Debbie! Putting on the armor of God is the only solution for the battles of today and ones to come. Adding our own often emotionally-driven pieces of armor only makes us more vulnerable to Satan’s attacks. We must be covered in God’s Word alone.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. Totally agree that the wrong pieces of armor will do us no good.
      Staying in God’s Word! Paramount!

  5. Andrea Merrell says:

    Good word! 🙂

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. I’m no Bible scholar. It’s always just my opinion and how
      I see things.

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