Some Thoughts As We Read Through Our Bibles the 5th Time
As my husband and I read through our Bibles chronologically for the fifth year in a row, I cannot help but marvel at things learned every time through. The words on the pages haven’t changed, well, unless you’re using a different version. We changed versions this year, but the words and the meaning behind the words and God’s character remains the same. Hebrews 13: 8 (ESV) tells us Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
He is God, our heavenly Father, and He loves us, period.
Like any father, I’m sure there are times when He must hang His head or hold it in His hands at some of the things we do, say, or even think. But still, He loves us.
This verse came to mind as I wrote that. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! (Matthew 7: 9-11 ESV).
Some Thoughts As We Read Through Our Bibles the 5th Time @DDuPreeWilliams #Bible #writing #LessonsLearned Share on XWHO IS EVIL?
Surprised by that verse? You shouldn’t be. Since the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden, every human has been born corrupt. Yes, that precious little baby is born with a sinful nature. Hard to hear that, isn’t it? Yeah. I remember the first time I heard that. I didn’t understand then, but now I do.
But that baby doesn’t have to remain that way. As parents, we can teach our children to love God above all else. We can take them to church every Sunday, read the Bible to them, pray with them, over them, and for them.
Does that guarantee they will remain committed to Him?
Sadly, no, because God created each of us with free will. Everyone must choose for himself whether or not to follow Christ. We must choose to believe that He was born of a Virgin, died, was buried, and three days later was risen from the dead. We must believe in our hearts and declare with our mouths, Jesus Christ is Lord and through the power of God, He is risen from the dead (paraphrased from Romans 10:9). [note: I am no Bible scholar. These are my own thoughts and opinions according to how I read and study my Bible. How God has touched my heart and my life. You may feel differently.]
Does that mean we just give up if our children deny these truths?
Of course not.
This brings to mind the popular praise song, Waymaker. Even when we can’t see it, even when we can’t feel it, He’s working. Therefore, we keep praying. Daily. Many times. Every. Single. Day. And then we release them into God’s hands and His plans, for His are far better than anything we could ever hope for our children or ourselves.
We are now reading Job. It comes early in a chronological read. What a powerful book. So many truths to be found in Job. If you’ve never read it, by all means go do that. A few years ago, I wrote a post about lessons learned in Job. These are just the tip of the iceberg. Here is a link to that post.
This year, we are reading an NLT Chronological Life Application Bible. It’s a bit different from our usual ESV. The notes at the bottom are so, so good. If you’ve never read this one, let me urge you to go purchase one. So many valuable lessons to be learned as we apply God’s truths to our everyday lives. Not just in Job, but throughout God’s Word for us.
Know you and your family are in my prayers. I covet your prayers for me and my family.
Blessings, y’all!
Same group I’ve shared, just a newer year. Last year, according to their post. Had to use this. He’s always working on our behalf and for our children and grands. Trust Him!! Blessings!!
The Conversation
Thank you for the info, Debbie. I’m thankful for your insights.
I’m reading the Chronological Bible for the first time and I’m in Job also. I’ve read the Bible through in different versions over the last several years, but this is my first time with the Chronological one. I started it this year based on you mentioning it in one of your blogs last year. Did you know you are an “influencer”?☺️