Revivals – Then and Now

Last week I wrote about the revival going on at Asbury University. The good news is, this outpouring of Holy Spirit has spread to other campuses and to other parts of the world. When people’s hearts connect with God, it’s always a good thing.

I know many people have been skeptical of this, some saying it isn’t real. I have to ask—do you know that person’s heart? Any of them anywhere this is happening? The answer is a resounding NO, but their Creator knows and He is the only One who matters.


Revivals - Then and Now @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #reivival #AsburyRevival Share on X

Personally, I have a lot of experience with revivals. I can’t begin to tell you how many I attended as a child. It seemed as if we were going to one somewhere just about every week.

I even attended a tent meeting once upon a time.  A very long time ago. I don’t remember much about that one. But the ones held at the church in which my mother grew up, Taylor Methodist Church, just outside of Dothan, Alabama, I do remember. I sang at many of those. Sometimes with my big sister, or sometimes by myself. I even recall one summer when my twin cousins, Jo Fain, and Joy Hart, sang a trio with me. We have a cousin who is still a member there. Another cousin was the pianist there for over fifty years.

I wanted to cite the difference between those revivals and the ones going on at Asbury and other campuses.

As far as I have seen or heard, the current revivals, or rededication, redemption, restoration, and confession, going on now have all been spontaneous. Clearly, Holy Spirit is at work in the hearts of those present. Especially in those associated with those campuses.

The revivals I attended as a child were all planned. They’d been put on the calendar for that particular week. And yes, they usually lasted a week. It was on the calendar. There was no open-ended time for it to end. It was on the calendar.

Did that mean souls were not won, and lives were not changed? Of course not.


Here’s the thing. Holy Spirit will act with or without a revival. John 3:8 (ESV) tells us, The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

Pretty straightforward language. We don’t need a revival for Holy Spirit to move in our hearts, to turn us toward God and renewal, confession, rededication, repentance—to Jesus. As I said last week, we can have a change of heart and mind wherever we are, at any time. It doesn’t have to be on a calendar. It doesn’t even have to be as it was at Asbury. We need only to seek and we will find—as long as we are truly seeking Him with all our hearts. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13 ESV.)

Do you wish to be a part of this outpouring of Holy Spirit? It’s as simple as opening your heart, your mind, and your spirit to receive His gift of salvation. It is a gift, freely given, but you are the one who must do the accepting. Call upon the Name of Jesus. He will hear you.


What is your experience with revival? Did you make the trip to Asbury as many of my FB friends did? Share with us.


Blessings, y’all!

Another fabulous arrangement for the Gaither Vocal Band. Sweet story for you – When our boys were little, I climbed into bed with each one at bedtime and I sang through a litany of songs from Sunday School and my childhood. This was one in that long list I sang each night. When our baby boy, Danny, was about two, we were in a local department store, Danny in a stroller by my side, and me poking through racks for something. All of a sudden he bursts forth, at the top of his lungs with, “Lu-ya, thine glory, Lu-ya, Amen!” Even as I write this, tears are streaming down my face at that precious memory. So, I had to include this special hymn in this post. I pray it blesses you in unspeakable ways, and may you burst forth in praise of the One whose very name is Revival!



    The Conversation

  1. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    Exciting to see revival on college campuses!

  2. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing. Grateful for God’s Holy Spirit and renewal of my mind and spirit by His grace and mercy.

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