Revival at Asbury – Where Hearts and Holy Spirit Meet
The revival going on at Asbury University has captured the attention of the world. It has spread through the airwaves and social media like wildfire, like Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.
Many have questioned its sincerity. Is this a real revival? Is this just a bunch of kids caught up in an emotional event?
Several of my social media friends have either been there to see this, or family members or close friends have been.
Friends, we know that the Bible tells us there will be a great awakening before Christ returns. Is this the beginning of that? I don’t have the answer. Certainly, no one else does, either. Some things we simply aren’t supposed to know or understand until we see our Savior face to face.
My husband and I regularly scroll through YouTube seeking sermons or other things of interest that will help us in our spiritual walk and growth. Over the weekend we found Alisa Childers, whom I have previously mentioned in my blog posts. She gave a talk on Sunday in a location only a twenty-minute drive from Asbury. She went to see for herself what it was all about.
Here is a link to the webcast of her comments.
I’m positive that if you’ve seen or heard about this event, you have formed an opinion. How could you not?
If you are like the agnostics or atheists, you likely think it is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.
If you are part of the charismatic community, this doesn’t surprise you in the least. It’s a normal part of your Christian walk. It may or may not surprise you with its calmness.
If you are a seeker, someone who sees this and wonders what it’s all about and you have a tug on your heart to be a part of it, you can be. You don’t even have to leave your dorm room, your home, or wherever you are, you can have this.
You simply have to speak to Abba Father and tell Him you want this, whatever it is. This peace, this assurance of eternal life. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9 ESV).
See, it isn’t a big emotional in-the-moment thing. It’s a heart thing. It is a change that happens at the heart level. When you’ve sought love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control you will find all these things in the person of Jesus Christ, and even within yourself as you embrace Him and God’s Word. These things are called The Fruits of the Spirit. They are a part of us and our character when we give our hearts to Christ. It is a process. As you learn more about God’s character, about Jesus and Holy Spirit, you will begin to see these things in yourself.
It comes down to having a personal relationship with Jesus. As you read and study your Bible, you will learn more and more about Him and how much He loves you. Just as you are. His love is unconditional. But when your heart changes, you will have a deep desire to walk away from those things that have separated you from Him, simply said, sin.
The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 (KJV) For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Did you get that? ALL. And I know you’ve heard this one. If you’ve never read it, you’ve likely seen the wild-haired guy at sporting events holding up the sign that reads, John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Did you get that one? The WORLD! That’s you and me and everyone who has ever been or will ever be on this earth. And following that—whosever believeth in him—this is for all believers, wherever they may be in this world.
Remember that verse above? Romans 10:9? It’s a heart thing. Your heart will be changed. You will long for more of Christ and less of you.
Begin by reading the Gospel of John. John shows us Jesus as God. The Word made flesh, who came to earth as a baby for the sole purpose of dying for our sins. He was buried, but He rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding for you and for me. Then read Romans where Paul, the Apostle, shows us how to live a Christian life.
Pray for all those at Asbury, for those seeking. Know I’m praying for you. Feel free to share your thoughts.
Blessings, y’all!
I’d like to thank my sister/cousin, Jo Blackburn Fain, for telling me about this song. Jo has a twin sister, Joy Blackburn Hart, and I share with each of them, as much DNA as half-sisters.
I’d never heard this song. Don’t ask me how I missed it. This features three of the finest tenors who ever walked on this earth, David Phelps, Michael English, and Wes Hampton who is singing lead. I pray this blesses you. Those people gathered at Asbury surely feel His presence.
The Conversation
Right on, Debbie! Praise God for what is happening at Asbury and Lee and all the places this is spreading! You have presented the gospel very clearly in this blog! I pray many will read with an open heart and mind for surely the time is growing short to make this most important decision. I love this beautiful well done song. I just closed my eyes and soaked it in!
My dear and precious long-time friend, I totally agree. I pray that hearts and minds will open
as this is shared across the airwaves and social media. Thank you for your kind words.
I’d never heard this song, but I loved it, too! Remind you of our old Gospel Trio with
Nancy Williams? Such a long time ago, but a precious memory!
I love you, dearly!
I had heard of this move of the spirit. Love your seeker recommendations.
Sally Jo,
Isn’t this wonderful! Praying it flows across the world!
Great article, Deb! 🙂
Thank you. That means so much to me!
Thank you for the post Debbie. My prayer for whatever is going on at Asbury is that people will come to Christ and Christians will grow closer to Him. One note, I don’t think that is Ernie Haase singing. I believe it is Wes Hampton. I may be wrong. If I am, my apologies.
You were right. I didn’t think it was Ernie, but a name wouldn’t come to me.
Thank you for letting me know.
Yes! Praying for people to grow closer to Christ and for many who don’t know
Him to learn of Him through these revivals! So exciting to watch!
I’m always excited to hear of revivals breaking out and like you pointed out, many interpret the scriptures in Joel and Acts that there will be a great awakening before Jesus comes back for the Christians (Rapture). If that day is drawing closer, I say bring it on. I am so ready to go. But I also pray for lost ones to be saved before it arrives so they can go too. And that is what awakenings are for — right?:)
I think most of us who are saved are ready to go. But many of us would leave behind unsaved loved ones.
That simply isn’t acceptable. So bring on revival, Lord! I pray this spreads across the world!