Pray For the Peace of Jerusalem

The entire world has its eyes on the situation in Israel. To some of us, we see them as God’s chosen people. To others, it’s just another country with problems that have gone on for centuries, especially since its reinstatement as a country in 1948. Just as our parents and others prayed for the peace of Jerusalem then, we are praying now.

What does God say about Israel? That is the important question.

Clearly, the Hebrew children, the Jewish people, are important to God. If you’ve ever seen a Strong’s Concordance, you know how small the print is. In this book, the heading Israel takes up fourteen and three-quarters pages. Children takes up 10 pages (not all of these refer to the Hebrew children, but many of them do, or their offspring). Chosen takes up about three-quarters of a page and it covers from Exodus 14:7, to Revelation 17:14 which says, They will make war on the Lamb and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of all Lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful (ESV).

When I began this search, I had no idea what to expect. Even though I’ve read through the entire Bible several times now, I can’t remember every little detail of all that is in that God-breathed work.


In Genesis 15 is where we find God’s promise to Abraham. In Genesis 15:5 (ESV) God tells Abraham, And He brought him outside and said, ‘Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.’ Then He said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be.’

 Genesis 46:8-27 is a list of all the names of those Hebrew children who went into Egypt. It begins with, Now these are the names of the descendants of Israel, who came into Egypt, Jacob and his sons (ESV). They are important enough to be remembered and named in our Bible.


One of the most amazing things is found in 2 Chronicles 6:5-6 (ESV) but I have chosen Jerusalem that my name may be there . . . If you’ve read the Bible or you know anything about Jerusalem, it sits on a hill (the Psalms of Ascent were to be sung as they climbed the hill to Jerusalem). The valley below has the shin written into the land. Seriously. One can see it there.

The shin is the first letter of the word Shaddai, one of the names of God. It is also the first letter of the word Shalom, also one of God’s names. You can clearly see this letter, shin, outlined in the valley below Jerusalem. Google this subject and you will see maps with this clearly shown. Copyright issues.


Here are more Scriptures to read that point to the importance of the Israelites, the Hebrew people, to God:

Exodus 34:24, Deuteronomy 7:6, Isaiah 44:1, 1 Chronicles 16:13. I counted seven Psalms in the Strong’s Concordance that reference the Hebrews as God’s chosen people. Here are three of those: Psalm 33:12, Psalm 89:3, Psalm 132:13.

One of the most moving of all the verses is one that we probably all know, the Aaronic Blessing found in Numbers 6:23-27. I’m sure you’ve heard the popular song written and performed by Kari Jobe.

I’m going to leave you with this thought and that blessing. God is Sovereign. He is still on His throne and He knows the plans He has for each of us. God has known us since before we were born. Never doubt He knows what is going on now, He sees it all. He knows all the dead, wounded, kidnapped, missing, and mourning by name. And if you’ve read your Bible, you know that God is ultimately victorious. Our Savior Jesus Christ—Yeshua Hamashiach–defeated death on the cross.

In the meantime, we will continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


If you can make it through this without tears pouring, you are stronger than I. God bless Israel. May His favor be upon them for a thousand generations to come. Amen.


    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    Israel (the Jews) are God’s people. Many of them don’t even realize how important they are to God’s plans, as the end of the age closes in on us. I’m happy to know that God will win in the end because it was all finished on the cross. And all that have accepted Jesus as Savior… we win, too. And, there will be peace.

  2. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing, Debbie. I appreciate the info.

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