A Mess, The Messiah, and a Message

How are you all doing since we last talked? Did my not being here for a few weeks upset your apple cart, or were you okay with it? Soon after I sent out word that I’d be doing these posts only once a month rather than weekly, I read a survey on FB (we all believe everything we read on FB don’t we?) which said that most people prefer a monthly rather than a weekly blog post.
Who knew I had such insight?
This has been a much-needed time of rest and reconnecting with family. This CoVid mess has indeed, made a mess of things. But if you read the memes on FB you’ve likely seen the one that says that Messiah can turn your mess into message. I like that.
I’m not quite sure what the message is today. Before I write, I always invite Holy Spirit to sit with me and to fill my mind and heart with the message God has for me. In all the years I’ve been writing this blog, He’s not failed me.
There are things I wish I could share with you, but this isn’t the time or the place. Perhaps in the future the things we’ve experienced in the past few weeks will become a book. Who knows? Well, I know God does, and if and when He says he wants me to tell that story, then I will.
One thing I can share with you is my experience with my teeth. Talk about a mess! You should see my smile, or lack thereof at the current moment. About a dozen or so years ago, our youngest was in marching and concert band and I was uniform mom. One night, I tripped over the color guard mat. Down I went, like a felled tree. I fell flat on my face with no way to catch myself at all. I hit my mouth and my nose very hard. I was on blood thinners at the time but I didn’t have a nosebleed.
As a result of that fall, two years ago I had to have a root canal in those two front teeth (numbers 7 and 8 for those of you in the know). The root canal decided to protest and I had a lovely case of resorption which means the tooth was so unhappy it was attacking the bone. I had no choice but to have the tooth pulled. It was discovered that tooth 7 had a horizontal crack and it had to come out, too. And, to add insult to injury (pun intended), tooth number 6 was a baby tooth with very weak and shallow roots, so out it came, too.
I now have a one-and-a-half-inch gap in my smile. I truly look like the old cartoons of the hill women with the corncob pipe hanging from their lips. Minus the pipe, of course. I now wait for all to heal before crowns can be put in. The entire process is anywhere from four to nine months. I do have a device called a flipper to fill in the gap, but I need to wait until I heal more before I can wear that.
There must be a message in there somewhere. Maybe, life goes by too quickly as it is, slow down and enjoy the journey, don’t take the trip I took. Or perhaps, take care of your teeth. They need to last you a lifetime.
Here’s the message Messiah would like you to know—He loves you so much that He died for you. Call upon His name, confess that you are a sinner and you need His saving grace. Declare that you know Him to be the Son of God, crucified, dead and buried, and resurrected. Claim Him as your Lord and Savior and be with Him for eternity.
It sounds so simple, and it is. Just a declaration with your lips, from your heart. It’s God’s plan for each of us since the beginning of time.
If you’ve never done that before and you just made that decision, please contact me so that I may rejoice and pray with you.
Blessings, y’all!
The Conversation
I love the message derived from your mess. So sorry to hear about all you are going through, but friend, you encourage me to look up in all circumstances!
Thank you, Sally Jo. God is so good. He’s always right in the middle of our messes with His message of love and grace. Feeling blessed! Love you, my friend.
Praying for your unspoken needs as well as your dental needs. I’m so thankful that God turns messes into messages! Take care, Debbie.
You have NO idea how much I appreciate your prayers for my and our needs. Yes! God is good all the time! Love you, my friend.