Merry Christmas!

This has been a very busy few weeks since Thanksgiving. It seems as if Christmas sneaked in on me. To that end, I’m making this post short.

I pray each of you has a Merry Christmas filled with all the wonder and joy of that first Christmas so long ago. As we gather in churches to worship and sing beloved carols, let us remember Who this baby is. Born on that night, He is the One who died for our sins, who was buried, and who rose from the dead. He is now sitting at the right hand of the Father.

The painting depicted here is called Adoration of the Magi. It was painted in 1542 and shows the three kings presenting their gifts to Jesus. When they arrived there they fell down and worshiped Him.


And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him (Matthew 2: 9-11 ESV).

Wishing you all a blessed and wonderful Christmas.


Merry Christmas! @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #Christmas #OHolyNight Share on X


The painting in the graphic is by Jacobo Bassano, my 11th or 12th great-grandfather. It’s hard to remember. It is astounding and a blessing to see his work and that of many of his family members. Years ago,  one of his paintings was used on the front of the Christmas bulletin at our church in Birmingham, Alabama. I had no idea the artist was in my direct family line.

The Bassano family married into the Lanier family and they became well-known in the courts of Elizabeth I and James I. They were artists, musicians, and even writers. It humbles me to think of these gifted people as my family.


You know by now that I’m a huge David Phelps fan. This was at the Lyric Theater in Birmingham, Alabama, the city where Hubby was born. Our home for 11 years. Where 3 of our 4 boys were born. Doesn’t get much better. I pray this blesses you this Christmas.




    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    Merry Christmas, Debbie!

  2. Tim Richards says:

    Thank you, Debbie for sharing the painting and the song. Merry Christmas!

  3. Deena Adams says:

    Merry Christmas, Debbie! May you be filled with the joy of our Savior throughout this season and all year long.

  4. Joni says:

    Merry Christmas to you as well! Thanks for the post and your faithfulness to post every week. 🙂

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