Meet A Teacher of the Truth

We don’t have cable, and right now, since we’re staying in much more than in recent months we’ve turned to YouTube and other services for our entertainment.  The word on the street and on social media is Covid cases are on the rise around the country. We’re not young anymore, thus we need to be careful, thus, we’ve been vaxxed and double boosted now. Because we’re of an age where our children have become our parents to some degree, they’ve asked us to be more careful, to stay in, and do curbside pickup again. We don’t wish to worry them, so we comply.

This isn’t a bad thing. We miss going to church in person, but we love all the online pastors we’ve found. Preachers who preach the truth, not some false gospel.

Meet A Teacher of the Truth @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #truth #writing Share on X


If you’ve never heard of him, I want to introduce you to a pastor we’ve found in our search for truth. His name is Voddie Baucham and his story is amazing. Prepare your heart for some eye-opening and enlightening preaching. We’ve listened to two sermons this past week that had our eyes bugging out. Stories from the Bible you’ve read and heard your entire life, retold in this way make so much sense. We both remarked that God had given this man something few others will ever have. You must hear him.

Two to watch are, Let That Stuff Go (you’ll be blown away), and The Modern Church’s Sissified Jesus where Pastor Voddie explains the book of The Revelation as you’ve never heard it. Don’t let the title of the sermon fool you. It’s good!


Until recent months I had no idea what expository preaching was. I wasn’t reared in that tradition. Now that I know, I cannot get enough of it.  God’s Word was explained like never before to me by God’s Word.

If you’ve been looking for expository preaching, be sure to watch these two sermons. There are quite a few on YouTube. John MacArthur is another we love to hear. Same fantastic expository preaching. The Word explaining the Word. I hear these preachers talk about jot and tittle all the time. Jesus spoke of this in Matthew 5:18, during the Sermon on the Mount. In verse 17, he tells the people He hadn’t come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill them. In verse 18 He says, For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (KJV) Those jots and tittles matter. The truth.

I hope this blesses you and gives you new insights.

Blessings, y’all!

Paul Wilbur is one of our favorites. I love this one. I love his voice and that his lyrics come from the Scriptures. If you can’t hear this well here or understand the words, go to YouTube and put in his name and this song. His entire repertoire is uplifting. Most move me to tears every. single. time. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!


    The Conversation

  1. Kerry Peresta says:

    I have met Paul Wilbur! Their group performed at my church around 1985 or so. I loved their Jewish vibe!!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Kerry, I hope you get to meet Micah’s Aunt Mel one day. She is my sweet niece, my sister’s daughter.
      She has also met Paul Wilbur. She was very active in a Messianic Synagogue. And she’s a wonderful
      writer. Tell Micha to let you know when she visits. Y’all will know some of the same people. And,
      you’ll love her! Isn’t that music fabulous? We listen almost daily and we even do our walks with
      it playing in our earbuds. Give Micah a hug for me!

  2. Jane H Green says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this Debbie. I wrote down his name and the titles of the messages to look up. I love expository preaching, also:)

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I hope these messages bless you. We were astounded. We’d never heard anything like this.

  3. Joni says:

    Thanks for the post! I’m so glad you are finding teaching and preaching that is helping nurture your spirit.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I pray all the people we know are being fed by the Word. It took us a long time to find this.
      Way too many years wandering in the wilderness.

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