Making A Legacy Bible

As my husband and I make our way through the Old Testament in reading our Bibles chronologically, I marvel that there is still something new to be learned even though this is our third trip with this. God’s Word is new every morning, just like His mercies.
We use journaling Bibles now with plenty of space to write notes. Our first time through, I only used my old personal Bible with narrow margins. Not so good for making notes. As I compare the notes I made in the first two Bibles with the ones I’m making now, I can’t help but notice how much more I have to say than in the past two times.
Has God’s Word changed?
No. Absolutely not.
But I’ve changed in the past two and a half years. Thankfully so. I see more of God’s message to me and for my children.
Making a Legacy Bible @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing #Legacy Share on XCREATING LEGACY BIBLES
We’re making legacy Bibles to leave to each of our children. As I look at the third Bible I’ve marked and written notes in, I realize I have a lot of work to do on the first two. I try to make these legacy Bibles personal, but the first one has very little of my motherly words of wisdom and encouragement. The second has a bit more, but the third one is filled with very personal notes aimed at the son for whom it is intended. Let me stop and remind you that we have four sons.
Here’s an example. I opened to Psalm 39 because it contains one of my favorite verses. It’s very short, but it says so much. Psalm 39: 7b. My hope is in Thee. (NASB)
In the first Bible I marked and notated, I simply said that verse was my life verse and was from my favorite melodic line in Brahams’ Ein Deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem). There is another note a bit farther down which includes the names of all our children and grandchildren. The second time through, I said even less, which surprised me when I turned to that page. It makes me wonder where my thoughts were on that day of reading.
The third Bible has a long and very personal note. This is likely because I’ve gained so much wisdom from reading God’s Word from beginning to end, twice before. When we decided to read chronologically, we couldn’t imagine how much sense it all makes. We’d never read our Bibles this way. Let me challenge you to do so if you haven’t. It all falls into place perfectly and beautifully. One story. Beginning to end. Genesis to The Revelation.
As I thumb through other books and chapters, I find much the same pattern. By my third one, I’ve become more intimately acquainted with my God. The notes are lengthy and far deeper.
I got the idea for a legacy Bible from my friend, author, DiAnn Mills. She shared with us at a conference in early 2020, before Covid, how she is doing them for her grandchildren. We loved that idea and are determined to finish Bibles for each of our 5 children (I’m including our daughter-in-love as she truly is ours), and for each of our two granddaughters. The Bible’s I’ll use for our granddaughters are gorgeous. Ones they may color in as they read God’s Word and DD’s messages to them.
We pray they won’t get thrown into a closet, or deep within a bookcase. That they won’t be left on a bedside table collecting dust. We can only do our part, underline, mark, comment, and then pray for the salvation of all of them. The rest is up to God, in Whom we put all our trust and our hope.
Do you like the idea of a legacy Bible? You don’t have to follow our plan, but it’s the same one we’ve done for the third year now. Tara Leigh Cobble and her The Bible Recap have a printable plan for daily reading. You will get through the entire Bible in just one year. We also use The Bible Project to tell us about each book before we begin it. You don’t have to use these two resources. There are many others out there. Just look for a one-year Bible reading plan. Let us know if you do this and how you did it.
Blessings, y’all!
I’ve never heard this group. They’re good. Love the lyrics. I can’t put them here, but you may Google them. Great words!
The Conversation
This is wonderfully written. Excellent challenge to us. I have an idea for a blog post reply, and Lord willing, I’ll work on a plan. I have a digital Bible I want to try this for my children. Again Thanks. And to DiAnn Mills for the prompt.
Thank you. I’m so glad I attended the Mountainside Marketing Retreat. DiAnn and Edie were wonderful.
I wouldn’t have thought of this without seeing DiAnn’s work. Let me know what you come up with. I cannot
imagine how beautiful the one you create will be! You are one of the godliest women I know with more talent
in your little finger than most of us will have in a lifetime. And you use it for HIM! Praise be to God
Love and blessings!
Very interesting idea, Debbie. Thanks for sharing! I’ve heard of keeping journals for children, etc., but never creating it in light of the Bible.
Do you remember the Marketing conference in Januaary 2020? DiAnn Mills
shared the one she was working on for one of her grands. It was beautiful!
I would never have thought about this. I pray our children and grandchildren
will one day appreciate them.
What a great idea! Leaving a legacy Bible! I fill up my Bibles and have to get knew ones and start over, but have never thought to aim them specifically toward a child. Thanks for sharing this:)
As I said, I got this idea from DiAnn Mills. She shared one she’d been doing for a grandchild
at a conference in 2020. I would never have thought of this without seeing hers first. But, I
agree, it is a very good idea. And what a gift to leave behind. A piece of your heart for that