Just Too Busy

Can you believe how busy we and the people around us seem these days? Moms run ragged driving their kids from this music lesson to that sports event then on to church for night events. It seems to be never-ending.

And dads try to be all things to all people. Prove to the boss you’re the man for the job and the best employee he has. Show up early, stay late. Feel lucky if you made it to the kids’ game or recital. Bonus points if you remember the wife’s birthday and your anniversary.

We’ve all been there. I know my family and I did our share of this. With four boys and thirteen years between the eldest and the youngest, I spent many years carting them around from place to place.

We watch in amazement as our eldest son and his wife do the same with their girls. Only, living in a burb of DC, it seems they’re living our former lives with a mega dose of steroids. It wears me out to just think about how busy they’ve been since the moment our granddaughters were born.

Just Too Busy @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writingcommunity Share on X


The Bible tells us in Psalm 46:10 ESV, Be still, and know that I am God.

In context, this verse was a reminder, in a time of war, that God is still Sovereign. The good news is, He is still Sovereign today. We can trust Him to take care of us and our lives, the lives of our children. But we first need to stop being so busy. How can we ever hear the still small voice Elijah heard if we’re constantly in a state of motion? Read 1 Kings 19:11-13.

We need to turn our thoughts from the things of the world, those things man says are important, and turn our eyes to things that will last for all eternity. Sadly, we’re often far too busy to take the time to do this. Can you say Catch 22? In Matthew 6:33, Jesus reminds us of the things we should put first, (ESV) But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. It’s about putting first things first. Then the rest of our lives will fall into their proper place.

Funny thing, as I was searching for Scriptures to accompany this post, I came upon this one—Psalm 127:2 ESV It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil: for he gives to his beloved sleep. I could only think that if ever there was a verse for writers, this could be it. I have many writer friends who get up with or well before the chickens. I’m a night owl. I roam around in the middle of the night and often find myself here at my desk pecking away at my keyboard.

A good reminder that sleep is a gift from God.


We all fall into that busy trap from time to time. Maybe some of you find yourselves there daily. I know what that feels like. I can tell you, as the mother of those four boys, now grown men, I don’t miss the busyness, but I do wish I’d spent a lot more time instilling eternal things into their hearts and minds. I wish I’d spent more quiet time with them than hours filled with worldly pursuits. Now, I spend a lot of time praying for God to redeem and restore those moments that were lost to time.

The good news is—He is able.

Wherever you find yourself today, stop and take the time to spend some quiet moments, first with God, then your kids, your wife, husband, your extended family, or friends. Moments are precious. Don’t waste a single one.

Blessings, y’all!


By now you know I’m a huge Paul Wilbur fan. If I can find nothing else, I will always share one of his beautiful songs with you. You may watch this entire concert on YT! So good!!




    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    I love this post, Debbie! It made me sigh with delight as I thought about just resting, being still, and to think about the fact it is okay to slow down every now and then to just enjoy God and the people around me:)

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Too often these days, and at this age, I think of all the time
      I spent on useless things. Things with no kingdom value at all.
      How I wish I’d poured more of those wasted moments into our
      precious boys. Time we can never get back!
      But . . . we serve the Great Redeemer and Restorer! Thank you,

  2. Joni says:

    Thank you for sharing. Yes, it’s difficult to not be too busy – or get out of the trap of perpetual busyness.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      It is! It seems so much is required of us these days.
      Technology is supposed to make things easier, not more
      complicated creating more busyness. Yet, here we are!

  3. Tim Richards says:

    Great post and reminder, Debbie. When we get busy we sometimes think we have to do everything under our own power and it’s not possible. I pray we are busy doing what He desires for us and rely on Him for His power. Also, another great song to accompany your post. Thank you.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Yes! I don’t mind being busy with the Lord’s work.
      I couldn’t do any of the things I do without Him
      at my side. I’m glad you enjoyed the music. He’s
      so good!

  4. Melissa Henderson says:

    Thank you for this reminder to enjoy every moment. 🙂 Have a blessed day!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. As the mother of four grown sons and now
      grandmother (DD) to our two grands, I know just
      how quickly those years fly by.

  5. Andrea Merrell says:

    When we get too busy for God, we’re just plain too busy. Period. Wise words, Deb! 🙂

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. You are so right. That’s far too busy.
      I’m too guilty of that from time to time. I have
      my sweet hubby to remind me, though.

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