Just a Sinner, Sitting on the Back Row

About three or four years ago, we joined the ranks of the cable-cutters. We’ve only streamed or have watched things via YouTube. Believe me when I tell you I don’t even know what things fall beneath streaming versus any other form of getting media on one’s TV. I just know, we push a button and scroll to the entity that carries what we wish to see, scroll through those contents, and voila! There it is.
If you had to throw me into a category within the ones available, I guess you could say I’m a YouTube junkie. This invention has something for just about everyone. Hubby and I enjoy watching sermons by our local pastors (we have two we follow) and by those who have a much bigger following like John MacArthur and Voddie Baucham.
Now, I know some will take exception to one or the other of these men due to your beliefs. My anti-Calvinist friends won’t like JM so much. I saw a post today where someone actually said JM isn’t a Christian because he’s a Calvinist. Really? Have you ever listened to the man preach, or have you just concluded he isn’t Christian based on hearsay? I’m not judging you, that’s not my job. I’m just saying to test the waters first.
Another video I saw today was about the beloved Christian artist, Sandi Patty. It told things I never knew. I’ve read her autobiography, Broken on the Back Row. It has been in my bookcase for many, many years, as a reminder. In this, Sandi pours her heart out as she did to God when she went through her divorce. I won’t put in any spoilers. I’ll just say this, I started reading and within seconds, the tears began to flow. They didn’t stop with The End. I often think about her.
I’ve sung Sandi’s beautiful arrangements for many years. Her music touches my heart as few have done. When I sing it, I’m transported from this earth straight to the Throne Room of God. I hope, if you’ve ever heard me sing one of her songs, you felt you were there with me. That is always my prayer when I sing. That and, Lord, let me reach just one. And yes, I’m very aware it isn’t me, but Him working through me, His willing vessel.
This video talked about how Sandi became a pariah in the Christian music community after her confession (as if she had to tell anyone besides God). Radio stations quit playing her music. Other things happened to her, too, you will read about in her book. Do read it. You won’t be sorry.
Here’s the thing. She confessed her sin to her God. To our God. The One who sent His Son to save all of us—sinners, every single one of us. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23 ESV). Note that says ALL, not some, or just a few, but all. Not only did she confess her sin to God, she felt compelled to tell her church leaders who, in turn, made her confess in front of the congregation. I’ve never been in such a church. Maybe that’s common where you worship, but not where I do. Wasn’t it enough for her to tell God? This is all in her book.
So, someone who you know is a Christian, sinned? You know she confessed, yet you still feel you have to punish her further by not playing her music. I don’t get it. Either we love as God tells us to love, or we don’t. You can’t have it both ways—call yourself a Christian, above such, when you choose to condemn another Sister in Christ for falling short of the glory of God.
There was only One Who walked among us who was sinless. God sent Him to die for your sin, my sin, and Sandi Patty’s sin. The sin of all of us who have fallen short.
I’m not preaching today, just sharing my heart. I didn’t know this had happened to her, the radio stations and other things that followed. I pray they’ve had a change of heart. I’m thankful for Bill Gaither and his group who have never ceased to have her within their circle.
Any one of us could have written those words, I’m a sinner, Broken on the Back Row.
Just a Sinner, Sitting on the Back Row @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing #savedbygrace Share on XBut here’s the good news! Because of Jesus, we’re washed clean, forgiven, redeemed, justified, numbered among the people of God! Move yourself up to that front row and join the Amen corner. Join the choir and let the people see your joyful face because of what Jesus did for you! You can have this same peace, joy, and forgiveness. Contact me if you’d like to know more. In the meantime, know I’m praying for you.
Sandi, thank you for blessing my life so abundantly. I’m pretty sure we won’t meet this side of glory, but I can’t wait to sing all those high notes alongside you, my sister in Christ!
Blessings, y’all!
A personal note, if you will. Happy 42nd Birthday to our son, Christopher Andrew. We love you so, so much and are beyond proud to be your parents.
And Happy 102nd Birthday to my Daddy in heaven. He’s still your boy, Papa.
Oh, how I love this one! Listen to the words. If you can’t understand them, google the title and then, lyrics. Copyright laws prohibit my sharing them. But you may look them up.
Join Sandi in The Throne Room. He is our Rock!!
The Conversation
Thanks for sharing, Debbie. So thankful God forgives me of all of my sins. That I’m made new and changed and made righteous by the blood of Jesus. And that with God’s help, I can love as He loves.
Yes! Me, too! So many wonderful promises within the Good Book!
Good message from the back row! I’ve got you tweeted.
Sally Jo,
Thank you! I think we’ve all been there a time or two. So glad to have Him right there with me!
Love reading your posts Debbie. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Tim, That means more to me than I can say. Thank you!