Jesus Calling – Will You Answer?

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
I love Moses. We finished reading the book of Exodus, and now we’re in Leviticus so, I’ve had Moses on my mind lately. Way back in Biblical days, Moses made excuses for not answering God’s call.
Time and again.
When God called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt and to go talk to Pharoah, Moses kept coming up with excuses. Moses asked God, Who am I to do this? His next excuse was that the people wouldn’t believe him. When God turned the staff known as The Rod of God, into a snake, Moses ran from it. God had just turned a stick into a snake, but apparently, Moses doubted God could protect him or make it change back.
Then, Moses declared he wasn’t good with words. Even after God told him He’d go with him and be his mouth and teach him what to say, Moses still asked God to send someone else. Five times Moses made excuses.
Yet, it was Moses who led the people out of bondage in Egypt and into the Promised Land. He finally listened and obeyed God. He answered the call.
In the New Testament, Jesus called each of his disciples. All he said was Follow me. What if they’d been like the rich young ruler Jesus taught about? (Matthew 19: 16-26 The Parable of the Rich Young Ruler). Can you imagine a world without Christianity?
When I first began writing, I was completely clueless, and my knowledge of the writing world and the written word was about zilch. But I wrote. It wasn’t good, but I wrote.
Then, by an absolute God-incidence, I found myself at my first Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference (BRMCWC) with little things I’d written years earlier, l ong before I felt this calling on my life. Writing was just a fun thing I’d done to help my boys with their English homework assignments. Years later, I wrote little stories for our granddaughters.
But what if God called me to write for Him? Could I do it or would I make excuses?
After my first BRMCWC in 2014, I no longer made excuses for why I shouldn’t be writing. Learning the craft was paramount. As I learned of more conferences, I began to attend those. I took classes from the best in the business, focusing on making my work the best possible. I edited, hired a writing coach and editor, and eventually, my first novel was published (Grave Consequences, July 2020).
In 2016, Eva Marie Everson gave a key-note address at BRMCWC. She asked everyone to rise and form a circle around the room, one standing in front of another. She read from the book of Nehemiah and reminded us that each of us has a calling from God to do the work to which we’ve been called. If we don’t do it, it won’t get done.
Just as back in the day certain families were called to rebuild particular sections of the wall of Jerusalem, you are called to your place in the wall. No one can take your place. Again, if you don’t do it, it won’t get done. No one can write the story you can write, paint the picture you can paint, speak words to the lost as you can, and so on. The list is endless.
Someone is waiting on the work of your hands and heart. This person has a name known to God. Have you been called to write? Someone awaits your words. Have you been called to teach or to preach? Someone needs your knowledge. They need to hear the words in your heart. Have you been called to be a worship leader? They need to be blessed by your voice or your playing. Have you been called to create a new business or to be a doctor or a nurse? You are needed by someone.
Whatever it is to which you’ve been called, God will be right there beside you, just as He promised Moses all those years ago. Stop making excuses and step up. Jesus is calling. Please answer.
Jesus Calling - Will You Answer? @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing Share on XSo, what’s your excuse? Really, nothing is valid is it? Not CoVid, not your age—I was 70 when my first book was published last July. Nothing. You only need a little faith (Matthew 17:20) in yourself and then, trust God with the rest. Go ahead, answer that call.
I hope you enjoy this hymn.
The Conversation
That call is the reason I came out of my cave. Even if it was kicking and screaming.
How wonderful! I adore this worship song, also. Thank you for your candor, honesty, and truth that points us to the Word!
Patricia, thank you for reading. I’m glad you liked it and especially the worship song. The photos along with the music had me in tears as I was posting. Love and blessings to you, my friend.