Historical Proof of Biblical Events, People, and Places

As Christians, we believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. It contains no errors, is true for all time, and is sufficient. Nothing needs to be added to it or taken away from it. It stands on its own authority.
I’ve purchased many books in the past two years that have helped bring life to events, people, and places mentioned in my Bible. My husband and I have read chronologically three times now. We will finish the Old Testament in a few weeks. We intend to take our time getting through the New Testament, absorbing everything we can, looking at various commentaries, and listening to John MacArthur’s sermons on each of the books.
It may interest you to know that Dr. MacArthur says he spent ten years studying each of the four gospels. Ten Years. For someone who is only in their third time reading through the entire Bible in her lifetime, this is mindboggling. But now that we’ve (my husband and I) tasted God’s Word, we can’t get enough.
One of the books I purchased is A Christian’s Guide to Evidence for the Bible by J. Daniel Hays. I’ll put a link to where I purchased it at the end of this post.
What amazes me is that two years ago, I would have looked through the pages and maybe I’d have recognized a name or two. Certainly Herod. But I wouldn’t have known there was more than one Herod. And because we sang an anthem in Temple Emmanuel in Birmingham, Alabama, titled The Defeat of Sennacherib, I would have recognized his name, but I wouldn’t have understood his significance. Oh, what a difference studying God’s Word can and will make in one’s life. Not just a historical and intellectual impact, but a spiritual one. The most important kind of impact.
I thumbed through Hays’ book again this week when writing the draft of this post. I recognized most of the names on the pages. Not just people, but places, and events. And the author has backed those up with not just Bible verses, but he went to the famous historian, Flavius Josephus, for those who remain skeptical that God’s Word is true. I found a link for an eBook of his entire works for only $1.99 on Amazon. Yes. I now own that one, too. The section applicable to this post is The Antiquities of the Jews, although, if one has an interest and the time, the entire work would be a marvelous learning opportunity.
Here are just a couple of things mentioned in Mr. Hays’ book, some of which are backed up by Josephus.
Historical Proof of Biblical Events, People, and Places @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writingcommunity Share on XKING SENNACHERIB’S INVASION of JUDAH
Associated Scripture is 2 Kings 18:13-17. It speaks of this happening during the fourteenth year of the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah. Sennacherib, king of Assyria came up against all the fortified cities of Judah and took them.
Then we read Hezekiah’s prayer in 2 Kings 19:14-19. Next, we read Isaiah’s prophecy that Sennacherib will be defeated, 2 Kings 19:20-34. Then verses 35-36 tell of the number killed and the defeat of Sennacherib.
Many descriptions of this battle and Sennacherib’s defeat have been discovered among Assyrian documents. There is a photo of a cylinder that is inscribed with this story. Amazing to see this.
Hays also gives evidence for the reigns of King Nebuchadnezzar II and his son, who reigned after him, Evil-merodach (just his name, not any other connotation), both kings of Babylon. There is another cylinder pictured in the book telling of the repair of a temple that had been in a state of disrepair.
When writing about the New Testament, Hays mentions Drusilla whom Paul speaks of in Acts 24:24. It mentions Felix and his wife, Drusilla, who was Jewish. He shows a photo of a coin on which we see the likeness of Drusilla’s brother, Herod Agrippa I.
Perhaps the most heart-wrenching inclusion is that of a photo of an ankle bone, still containing the iron stake used to crucify him. It was found in the ossuary (bone box) of a young man named Yehohanan. I had to wonder what his great offense was for him to have been crucified. God bless him.
Josephus writes about the crucifixion of Christus. He even says he’d been sentenced by Pontius Pilate. So, obviously, this is a historic event, not just a myth as some would say.
While the Bible is sufficient, all we need, it is interesting to see things within its pages come to life in a place or a photograph. It is our nature to be inquisitive about such things. No proof is needed for those of us who are believers, but for those who may still question, these two books mentioned would be enough to convince even the most skeptical, in my opinion.
If you’ve been doubting, but these things have begun to make you question, don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll be glad to talk with you. Know I’ll be praying for all of you.
Blessings, y’all.
Find the Josephus book at Amazon at that amazing price. For some reason, it wouldn’t allow me to put that link here. I’m no techie. Who knows why?
This isn’t the anthem we sang. I have no idea who the composer of the anthem was. I only remember singing it. Dave Collins here has a lovely voice. And it doesn’t get much better than Lord Byron. I hope you enjoy this one. Cannot believe someone else has set this to music.
The Conversation
Thanks for the great info! Appreciate all the work you put into the blog.
Thank you. Thanks for always reading and for your comments.
It is amazing to read the Bible and then see all those artifacts that back up every word. Thank you for sharing those resources for going deeper.
It is amazing. We hear of things from time to time, but Mr. Hays put his knowledge in a book.
So glad he did! Always glad to share the things I learn.
Thank you for this post Debbie. Love studying the Bible and will look into this book.
It’s a pretty interesting book. It says it has 101 proofs from history and archaeology.
Glad you liked it.