Got Plans? I Know Someone Who Does

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams

My children will tell you, the verse I quote to each of them most often is Jeremiah 29:11. I know you know it, but for those who may not be as familiar here is what it says—For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope. (NASB)


Every time one of our kids is going through a rough patch, a time of critical decision-making, times of uncertainty, I quote this to them. Just this week, I’ve quoted it to two of our sons, the eldest and the youngest. If you read my blog posts regularly, you will likely see that it is my most-referenced scripture verse.
Are You Sure?
In the past couple of months, I’ve questioned if this writing journey to which I have been called is truly what I’m supposed to be doing. If I told you the past two months were the only time I’ve questioned this, it would be a falsehood. Since the first day that I walked onto the campus of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, back in 2014, I’ve continued to ask God, Are you sure? Brazen, huh? Asking our Sovereign God, Who is all, and is in all, and Who created us, our world, and everything in it—if He’s sure.


Many people ask God to give them signs. That’s just not me. I knew from the beginning, if He wanted me to do this, He would make it happen. Doors would open, and if He thought I needed validation, He would supply it when He felt I needed it the most.


My sister and I talk about everything. She’s one of my brainstorming partners. She’s my alpha reader. She’s been my spiritual advisor all my life. She’s a few years older than I, and to say I look up to her would be a huge understatement. Bobbie is her name, in case you forgot or didn’t know. 
Here Come Those Doubts
This week I confided in her that I was having doubts—again. I even told my husband, and I don’t normally burden him with things like this. I know he’s praying for all my needs . . . no need to add one more to his list. Let me add, he’s not a worrier. Just isn’t in his nature at all. That’s how strong his trust is in the One who loves us the most. Sis’s faith is like that, too. That’s why I told her this morning that I just didn’t know if I should continue down this road.


There was whining and lamenting and near ‘bout gnashing of my teeth. Sis reminded me that I’m not in this alone. Then the words of a dear cousin, spoken to me last year came to my heart. Has God told you to stop? This wise woman is a published Christian author, and here is a link to her fabulous book, Above the Fog.
Heartfelt Thanks
Well, Karen, no. God hasn’t told me to stop. In fact, after I hung up with my sister this morning, I checked my emails. One of my blog-followers had read my latest post and sent me a private email and told me they always bless him. Thank you, RC, you know who you are! Then, not two minutes later, another friend sent an email with virtually the same message. Thank you, JNBT!! I love you and miss you, dear friend.
Wow! That took me right back to Jeremiah 29:11. As if those words and the emails weren’t enough, I tuned in to Steve Furtick at Elevation Church in Charlotte, and listened to his sermon. Would you believe he quoted Jeremiah 29:11? Of course, you do, because that’s God. Here’s a link to Elevation Church and Steven Furtick.

Obedient to God

As I continue to be obedient to this call upon my life, I ask you to pray for me on this writing and life journey. I know God has something for me to say. Pray with me that He will give me His words, His message whether it is in blog posts, my books, or in the speaking ministry I’ve prayed to have. My Uncle Bill, Papa’s twin brother was a Presbyterian minister. One of the prayers he prayed over us every time he saw us was this, May God go before you and prepare the way.


This is my prayer for my children and grandchildren, and for you, wherever you may be on your journey through this life. Remember God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11. God already knows those plans. Now, I pray—May God go before you and prepare the way.


Do you have a life verse or a prayer that speaks to you? If you will, share those with us. We’d love to hear how God has spoken to you. 
Got Plans? I Know Someone Who Does? @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith Share on X

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