God Works in Mysterious Ways – From Manger to Cross

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
You’ve all probably heard the phrase, God works in mysterious ways. It isn’t biblical though Romans 11:33 says, Oh, the depth of the riches of both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways (NASB). If we read further, we see that John 17: 3 says, And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent (NASB).
These may seem contradictory, but they aren’t. God wants us to seek Him and find Him. But at the same time, here on earth we can’t attain His knowledge or His ways. In Psalm 139: 6, David says, Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is too high, I cannot comprehend it (NASB). He’s talking about God knowing every little thing about Him (us). Our comings and goings, our thoughts, the words that will next come from our mouths. If those ways aren’t mysterious, I don’t know what is. Do read the entire Psalm. It’s quite lovely and I think you’ll find many parts, if not all of it, familiar.
I’ve reminded you several times that J (that’s what I call my hubby) and I began a chronological reading of our Bibles back in early March. I’ve encouraged you to do this, too, as it has been life-changing and one of the most spiritually uplifting and educational things we’ve ever done.
The timing of our reading has been such that here we are in the midst of Advent, yet we’re reading about Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Now that, my friends, is one of those mysteries we can’t explain. I don’t believe in coincidences, but in God-incidences. It was all in God’s timing for us to be at this point, at this time.
As we prepare our hearts and our homes to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, and as we rush to our online sources to purchase just that one perfect gift for our loved ones, here’s my thought this week.
How about sharing the gift that Jesus Christ alone gave over two-thousand years ago? The gift of eternal life bought with His precious blood and His sacrifice for us. He is the gift given to the whole world—the babe who came to earth that we might be set free. Free of all our sin, all our iniquities, every single little thing we’ve ever done, said, or thought that was so unworthy of the price He paid for us. Without His birth, there would be no redemption. There would be no cross. There would be no three days in the tomb. There would be no resurrection. There would be no eternity for us.
The little baby lying in a manger, the One we sing about at Christmas, the One the shepherds told of, the One to whom the kings brought their precious gifts, the One Mary held in her arms, the One Mary called Emanuel, grew up to lay down His life for you and for me. The ultimate gift to mankind. There is no cross without the manger. God had a plan. He has a plan for you, too. (Jeremiah 29:11).
If you know someone who needs to hear how the Christmas story ends with the resurrection of Christ, please share it with them. If you have never heard this part of the Christmas story and would like to know how you, too, can spend eternity in the presence of Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and all those who are believers, contact me. I’d love to share this amazing story with you. It’s the biggest example ever of how God works in mysterious ways.
God Works in Mysterious Ways - From Manger to Cross @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith Share on X
William Cowper wrote a hymn in 1773 titled “Light Shining Out of Darkness”.
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Enjoyed this post of the mysterious gift.
Thank you, Sally. I’m so glad you did.