God is in the Details – Little and Big

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Have you heard the phrase, God is in the details?
Yeah. Me, too.
Lately, I got to experience just how much God cares about us. Big and little things. He’s in the details, no matter how big or how small.
This week I was at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in Black Mountain, North Carolina. It’s just a stone’s throw from where I live. Christian writers from all over gathered to worship together, to share meals, to learn, to make new friends, and to soak up the atmosphere. It’s like a family reunion, to be sure.
Now, you can imagine that being a woman, I wouldn’t want to have to go without three of my front and center teeth. Nope. Not even this grandma wants to be seen like that.
I’m going through the process of dental implants, and I was supposed to go to the next-to-last step last week. At that appointment, they were going to take out my temporary teeth and leave me with just the flipper, a bridge-like apparatus with teeth on it that comes in and out. No way was I going to be able to eat with everyone if I had to take that thing out at meals like some fifteen-year-old high school cutie. No, thank you.
I went to bed the night before the appointment and asked God to intervene somehow, and to let them change their minds about the need to remove the temporary teeth. I didn’t see how that was going to happen. The teeth would have to come out in order for them to send the temps to the lab to compare to the final teeth they would make.
That next morning at breakfast, the phone rang. It was the dentist’s office. You guessed it. They needed to change my appointment as the lab had failed to send all the parts needed for my dentist to prepare my mouth for the new teeth.
Thank you, Lord!
I was desperate for a good haircut. My dear husband has been cutting my hair for a year and a half during COVID. Believe me, I needed a haircut. A professional one. We’ll just leave it at that because I really do appreciate his willingness to cut my hair. I didn’t even complain about how uneven it was. (Can you say chain saw? Hedge trimmer?)
At church that Sunday, a lady I didn’t know passed by me and I knew I had to know where she gets her hair done. It’s the best haircut I’ve seen since we moved here three years ago. I wanted to speak to her, but it was a busy Sunday with lots going on. So, I dropped that idea.
After church, we went to lunch at Outback to celebrate my husband’s birthday which was the next day. As we were sitting there, down the aisle came that very woman. Right by our table.I waved her down, got the info, and got my hair cut at a new salon this week. It looks so good. Contact me for details if you live in my area. Three master stylists!
Thank you, Lord.
God is in the Details - Little and Big @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing Share on XDETAIL THREE
This one is a biggie. I had an eye exam at my usual doctor’s office because I’d had an issue with floaters and they wanted to follow up. I went to the appointment, but they failed to dilate my eyes. The doctor wasn’t too happy, but she told me to come back in two months. Oh, she added that I may have a tear in my retina.
What? And you don’t want to see me for two months?
I called another office, made an appointment for a second opinion, and saw a retina specialist. He diagnosed me with macular degeneration, no tear in the retina, and the floaters are still there.
While I may not like the diagnosis, he’s concerned enough to have put me on the latest protocol, a simple supplement. Isn’t that amazing? He also wants his colleague to check me out just to make sure that he concurs. No two-month wait. A mere two weeks.
What could have happened in those two months the first doctor wanted me to wait, I’ll never know. I feel God led me to the other doctor’s office, for sure.
Thank you, Lord.
God cares about us. He cares about things we care about—not having to deal with missing teeth at an important event in my life. Something as little as a haircut. And something as big as the possible loss of my vision.
We serve a mighty God who cares about every single detail of our lives, no matter how little or how big. I’m so thankful.
Share with us a time when God came through for you. I know you have a story. Everyone does.
Blessings, y’all!
Another song I’ve sung so many, many times. Oh, how Jesus cares for us! Even the details. This came to my mind as I wrote this post. He cared enough He died for us.
The Conversation
Awesome post! Thank you so much Debra!