God-incidences Again!

This God-incidence upon God-incidence story is too amazing not to share with you in part. It was definitely a Jeremiah 29:11 sort of day, and one I won’t likely ever forget.

One of my favorite praise songs is Way-Maker. It is one I often sing when I’m praying or just as I say amen. It’s a reminder to me that He’s working all the time, even though I may not see it, and I may not feel it, He is working on my behalf. His grace and mercy extend to all those I love, for whom I pray daily.

I had an event this week, a writers conference, but I could only go for one day. Learning that a few new kitchen cabinets were being delivered this week, I’d planned not to attend. But in the end, I didn’t need to be here for day one, as it didn’t involve anything I needed to oversee. Questions could be answered by my sweet husband.


I called my friend and told her she wouldn’t have to travel an hour and twenty minutes or so by herself. I could go after all. She was thankful. I was too at getting to spend time with her.

SECOND GOD-INCIDENCE (this is where the big ones begin)

I called my niece to ask if she had plans for the weekend and if she thought she could manage to be off on Tuesday. Here’s the deal, her nephew and his family had just moved to a nearby town, less than 30 minutes from me. And her brother and sister-in-love were going to be there over the long weekend.


All things worked out for her to come, for her dog-walker to stay an extra day, and for her to go with me and my friend to the conference for the day.

Once we got there, it was great to see old friends and to make new ones. Lots of hugs and blessings were handed out all around.

God-Incidences Again! @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing #God-incidences Share on X


Conversations went to a certain subject and then the floodgates started to open with God-incidence upon God-incidence flowing forth. At this point, they were piling up like glory upon glory. Seriously, if you only knew the parts I’m not at liberty to share you’d be in such awe of our awesome God. As I write this, my heart is overflowing with praise, and wonder, and awe. And if you know me at all, you know tears are streaming down my face. Oh, the wonder of His love.

My point here is not to fill in all the details as it isn’t my story. It all belongs to my precious, beloved niece. She is a terrific writer. She’s been working on a book with two of the best in the business. Through their connections and with God’s help, those doors just began opening. Opportunities are on the horizon and new friendships have begun.


My purpose is to remind you to never stop praying. Never stop believing in the goodness of God (another favorite praise song). Our job is to listen to God when he lays things on our hearts, to be obedient, and to let go of the doorknob so that He may open doors to us and for us. Just never, ever stop trusting that God is working in every moment of our lives. He’s a good, good Father (yep, that one, too) . . . all the time.

Blessings, y’all!

This is where this lovely, uplifting, worshipful song began. I pray it blesses you. And look for those God-incidences. They’re there for the asking!


    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    Thanks for the reminder of how good God is to us and that He is always working for ours and each other’s good.

  2. Joni says:

    Thank you for sharing, Debbie. And thank you for your prayers!

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