Give Thanks in Difficult Days

As we give thanks in difficult days, I want to say how thankful I am for this side-effect of CoVID. No, I’m not thankful for the virus. Like you, I so wish things were different. I wish we’d never had to go through all this. Out of chaos, peace comes in unexpected ways as we give thanks in difficult days.
After beginning the chronological reading of our Bibles in March, my hubby and I finished the Old Testament this week. This was the first time through the entire OT for both of us. We learned a lot along the way.
We encountered names we’ve heard all our lives, but now, we feel we know each of them intimately. And we understand the character of God like never before. God revealed His truths to us in unimaginable ways during the past few months.
We shook our heads more than once at how quickly the Israelites forgot all the things God had done for them. They were still in the middle of the wilderness when they decided to make an idol and worship it rather than God. But God didn’t turn His back on them. They were His children, after all. He told them to repent and all would be well.
But, no sooner than they did so than they were right back at it. Defying God at every turn. Even to the point of sacrificing their own babies to wooden or metal gods with no eyes to see, no ears to hear, no voice to speak.
Friends, God our Father has eyes to see us, the good and the bad. And He still loves us. He has ears to hear all the things we say. And He still loves us. He has a voice with which to call us by name to come to Him. Because He loves us.
Friends, whatever obstacles may be keeping you from coming to the feet of the cross, know this: God has already won the victory through the blood of His Son, our Savior, who went to the cross for us. Whatever it is that we need to confess, know He has already paid the price for it. When we call upon His name, confess our sins, and come with a truly repentant heart, He is faithful to forgive all our transgressions, no matter what they may be (I John 1:9). Time and again God forgave his children. He still forgives us. He still loves us.
I’m so thankful for our loving Father God.
I’m thankful for my family, my precious husband and our four fabulous sons. For the daughter-of-our-hearts, and for our two beautiful granddaughters. I’m thankful for our sisters and their families. I’m thankful for our extended family.
I’m thankful for our friends and for our new church. I’m thankful for prayer warriors who stand with me every single time I ask.
God is so good. All the time.
Blessings to you and your family today and always. May you find ways to give thanks in difficult days.
The Conversation
This is a good reminder.