Forgiveness Makes All the Difference

This past Sunday was a significant day in my friend’s life. It was the second anniversary of the day on which she found herself extending forgiveness of the seemingly unforgivable.

She says she readily forgave the offense in her mind when she was asked to do so. After all, that’s what God calls us as Christians to do—forgive.

But it took some time for my friend’s heart to catch up with what her mind had agreed to do. During that time, my friend saw changes coming about daily in the person who had offended her.

She often wondered how he could change so easily when she was the one sinned against, not the sinner.

Do you see a wrong attitude here?


The Bible is very clear that we are all sinners. Romans 3:23 (ESV) says, For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Jesus, Himself tells us in Matthew 6:14 (ESV) For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Forgiveness Makes All the Difference @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writingcommunity Share on X

My friend could finally see three fingers pointed back at her as she pointed at the offender. But conviction still didn’t come right away. That took some time.

This was no light matter. A marriage could have ended. Lives of children and grandchildren could have been changed for all time.


Here is how gracious God is. See, our omniscient God knew that day was coming. The day on which sin came into the light. The day my friend would say with her mouth, I forgive you.

In all the years they’d been married, they’d never studied the Bible together. Never read any part of it or discussed a Bible study together. Nothing. And they thought they were fine. They went to church, were even active members. But they were living what many of us do—putting up a good front on the outside while the inside was black as coal.

But, that March, six months before the fateful day of which I speak, God had them join in a family Bible reading. They’d begun reading their Bibles together and talking about it together for the first time in their married life. A miracle, indeed.

So, when that day came, my friend knew what was required of her. Forgive. And she did—in her mind. It took seven more months for that forgiveness to reach her heart. But reach it, it did. And in a miraculous way.


See, she had to fall flat on her face before God, broken beyond any earthly fixes, and come to God, literally on her knees, asking for His forgiveness of her disobedience to fully forgive.

And that has made all the difference. A marriage was saved. Not only saved, but redeemed, restored, and is now thriving, and every day is filled with more joy than they ever thought possible.

My friend says she knows they likely wouldn’t have made it without having been invited to that family Bible study. Being daily in God’s Word worked in the hearts of each of them. It changed them as only God’s Word can do.

Now, they begin and end each day in prayer. Prayers of praise and thanksgiving for all God has done in their lives. Bible study is a daily activity, noted on a calendar first thing each day.

Church attendance is different now, too. No longer are they two souls merely showing up. They are a couple with hearts united in praise to God who made all the difference when they were obedient and extended true, heartfelt forgiveness.

Blessings, y’all!


Are you struggling to forgive someone? It isn’t always easy, but it is a requirement of a Christian walk. And it is for your benefit more than it is for the one you are forgiving.

Here are five scriptures about forgiveness. I hope you find them helpful.

James 5:16; Ephesians 4:31-32; 1 John 1:9; Mark 11:25; Acts 2:38


By now you know how much I love the Gaithers.  One of my dreams was to sing with this group one day. I’ll get to do that in heaven! Oh! What a choir that will be!!


    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing. And reminding me that God’s plans and miracles are always there for me when I reach out to Him.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Amen! His plans for me are so much better than any I could ever imagine.

  2. Melissa Henderson says:

    I am thankful for the forgiveness of God. 🙂

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Me, too! Such a gift. One we can never measure up to!

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