For Calm in Life’s Storms – Read From Psalms

I don’t know about you, but the past year or two have been a series of trials. First one thing and then another. Oh, and this little thing called Covid.
But I’m not the only member of my family nor am I the only one of my friends to have experienced this. Just this week one of our sons (we have four) was telling me about a particular trial he’s had recently.
I suggested he go to the Psalms. Psalm 130 seemed perfect for what he was feeling.
Just a bit over a year ago, I experienced spiritual warfare like never before. I won’t go into particulars, but I can tell you I never want to be in that place again. The forces that came upon me were so powerful that I didn’t feel or sound like me. My husband said the face he saw didn’t even look like me.
Yes, this was the result of one of the many trials we’ve faced in the past several months. I was angry. Angrier than I’ve ever felt in my entire life, and I’ve been here a few decades now. It wasn’t demon possession. From what I’ve been taught, a Christian cannot be demon possessed, but you can certainly be demon oppressed. I truly believe that is what I experienced.
Exhausted, I went to bed about three a.m. I awoke around five a.m. with my head hurting and just feeling so strange, and I couldn’t stop crying. I wakened my husband and told him I needed help. He did all he knew to do. Then, when I could finally breathe long enough to speak, I asked him to read from the book of Psalms.
He did. Some Psalms hubby read that morning: 39, 40, 42, 121, 130, 139, and of course, Psalm 23.
It was like a light switch went off—The Light of the World came and wrapped me in His loving, comforting arms. And it didn’t hurt that my husband’s arms were around me, too.
A calm came over me like I’ve never experienced before.
Whatever forces Satan had sent to destroy me and my faith were gone. He tried so hard, but that battle was won over two thousand years ago when the curtain in the Temple was torn from top to bottom giving us direct access to the saving power of the precious blood of Jesus. It was finished. Just as He said.
Since that time, my husband and I have gone through every room of our home anointing every doorpost, every mirror and window. We’ve prayed over our home and have cast out any lingering powers of darkness. They have no place in our home or in our lives.
The Word of God is powerful. Hebrews 4:12 says, The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. (KJV) We read and study our Bibles daily. We pray together many times each day.
Without a doubt, Satan will not be making anymore house calls at our home. And if he even thinks about it, we’re armed with the best weapon in the world. God’s Word.
Read Ephesians 6: 10-20.
How about you? Have you experienced what you felt was spiritual warfare in the past couple of years? How did you cope with it?
The next time you feel anxious about anything, let me suggest you go to the Book of Psalms. It’s balm for the soul.
Blessings, y’all.
This is one of my favorite settings of the 23rd Psalm. We sang this in our church choir in Birmingham, Alabama many years ago. It still touches my heart. Thank you, Joseph Schreiber, Organist and Choirmaster for all the years of beautiful music. Jim and I are blessed.
The Conversation
Thank you for sharing your heart and experiences. Prayers for you and your family.