Finding and Discerning False Teachers

When you hear the term false teacher, whom or what do you think of? My husband and I have found ourselves having to do a lot of research to find those people whom we admire and ferret out the ones who are twisting the gospel according to their purposes.
Believe me when I tell you, neither of us is a Bible scholar. We study our Bibles daily and most of the people we’ve been listening to sounded like they were teaching the Word.
But were they?
Our church has a policy—preach the Word and go to the Word to explain the Word.
Since we should use the Bible to explain the Bible, what does it have to say about false teachers?
The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament to us, tells us in Deuteronomy to beware of prophets who speak in the name of other gods. See Deuteronomy 18:20. Jeremiah the prophet, warns us twice. First in Jeremiah 14:14 and again in Jeremiah 23:16. Mind you, these are God’s words to Jeremiah that he is relaying to the people. Jeremiah 14:14 ESV says, The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless, divination, and the deceit of their own minds.
Jeremiah 23:16 ESV says, Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD.
Go over to the New Testament to the book of 2nd Peter 2:1 ESV. But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves their swift destruction.
Here are two more places in the New Testament to find such. Matthew 7:15-20, 2 Timothy 4:3-4. If you look for them, you will find such warnings scattered throughout the entire Bible.
Finding and Discerning False Teachers @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #discernment #Truth Share on XHOW DO I KNOW?
So, how do we know if we are sitting beneath a false teacher? My husband and I had no idea. First, we went to YouTube and searched for the names of teachers/pastors we liked. Let me tell you, without naming names, we were so surprised to find videos of many saying things that were so unbiblical. How had we missed that over the years? People we’d admired. Had purchased their books to further learn. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have some of their books in your home.
We compared what they had to say with what the Bible says. Friends, some of it was downright blasphemy. This from people we’d trusted. Yes, we listened to entire sermons, not just a short clip to prove someone’s point.
I even asked, just because it’s false to me, does that mean it is to everyone? I mean, so many people, including people I admire and respect, follow some of these false teachers. Am I the one who is wrong, and they are right? I’ve already admitted I’m no Bible scholar.
But I can find these people on YouTube preaching to vast audiences. I can compare what they have to say with what God says. This should always be our litmus test. Does what is coming forth from their mouths line up with what God says?
If not, then run!
Believe me, you will quickly know. It is very, very apparent how distorted their messages are from what the Bible actually says. I was utterly shocked at some of the things I found.
Now, I’m no fundamental here. I’m just a Jesus-Follower who wants to know the truth. I want truth to be spoken from any pulpit I follow. I want it to reflect God’s Word and His Word alone. All of His Word, not just the feel-good parts, or leaving out those that don’t fit the woke movement these days.
Do your homework. Google false teachers and then go to YouTube to watch a sermon or a series so that you truly know, not just from a few words that may be out of context, but so that you get their entire platform.
If it isn’t Jesus, virgin-born, crucified, buried, raised from the dead, sitting at the right hand of the Father, then it isn’t the real gospel. And here’s a hint. I saw this on a post I read last week. If the gospel preached in your church has an adjective in front of it, then it’s not the gospel.
But you go do your own homework.
I’m here to answer questions. I’ll be glad to share what we discovered privately. I’m not in the business of name-calling. Just truth-seeking. I’ll leave the calling out to those who have far more knowledge than I of such things.
I hope this helps you in finding The Truth!
Blessings, y’all!
Our precious boys sang this when they were little fellas. I’ve always loved it. I have never heard it put with the Pachelbel Canon in D before. Lovely arrangement and the photos are great!
The Conversation
You are so right, it is stunning to hear what some people are teaching now, that they wouldn’t have taught just a few years back. We truly have to do like the Bereans and test everything with the scriptures like you just did. I am so excited that you and your husband took the time to do that. It encourages me:)
Jane, It seems that hubby and I have an awful lot to learn. The past two years have been eye-opening and educational for us, especially spiritually.
We pray for discernment in all we undertake. We ask that we only follow God’s guidance and for Him to reveal His truth to us. Our Bible is our source
for all of that. Digging deeper. Thank you, Jane.
Yours is a much needed message, one that needs to be heard. I believe even faithful Christians can get too complacent, at times, and the enemy will find weaknesses. Your strategies remind us to be careful with who we trust to deliver Truth and to test what we see, hear, and believe by looking through the lens we learn from Biblical principles and the teachings of Jesus. He is the “way, the truth, and the life.” Thank you, Debbie.
Thank you for your kind words. This wasn’t an easy one to write. I know my husband and I aren’t the only ones who have fallen under the spell of
what sounds like sound doctrine . . . until you dig a bit further. So many out there these days. And our young people are particularly vulnerable to
the sights and sounds without really listening to the heart of the message or the messenger. We must test those spirits.
We must be alert at all times and not be fooled by false teachers. The evil one tries to capture our attention and we must be ready to battle. Putting on the full armor of God today and every day. 🙂
Melissa, Thank you for that. I almost didn’t post this one. It’s a message so many need to hear. I’m not sure I’m the best messenger,
but it’s been on my heart for a while as my husband and I have sought out false teachers in our lives. It isn’t easy to walk away when
you admire someone so much. But we must remain true to God’s Word with no compromises.