Every Day – So Many Choices

Choices. So many choices. Every single day, from the time our feet hit the floor in the morning to the time we pull the covers up at night, we’re faced with so many choices.
It’s funny how this subject has entered my life in recent days.
This past week, out of the blue, two things came up about choices. One was a plan I found on the YouVersion Bible app. The other was a conference led by Joyce Myer.
On YouVersion, the plan was titled The Voices and the Choices by Roxanne Parks. I didn’t know of her before this, but it was an excellent plan. It was in three parts so as not to overwhelm you, I would think. To find it, you simply get the YouVersion app for your phone or other devices, go to plans, and do a search for the one listed above. You will not be disappointed. It is filled with wisdom and good advice.
Joyce Meyer (we watch on YouTube) was preaching at one of her big-audience events about choices, too. She told a story about a couple who’d been out of the country for a few years as missionaries. The wife loved cereal. They couldn’t get cereal in the country they were serving. As soon as they arrived back in the USA, off to the supermarket she went. The husband let her off for a quick run in and out. Half an hour later she appeared, empty-handed. She informed him, years ago when they left for the mission field, there were about a dozen or so choices of cereals. Now, years later, there were so many choices, she couldn’t decide which one she wanted.
Certainly, cereal doesn’t fall into this category, but while we may not realize it, our daily choices have a lasting impact on our lives and even on the lives of those around us. We need to choose wisely and well.
Every Day - So Many Choices @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #choice #writing Share on XMAKING BAD CHOICES
But we don’t always do that, do we? I know I haven’t. In my lifetime, I’ve made some very bad choices. Choices that, but for the grace of God, could have been my undoing. My husband has made his share of bad choices, too. Between the two of us, we’re quite a pair. Because of some bad choices, two broken people trying to find their way in this broken world.
The bad choices we’ve made in our lives, Satan meant for evil and our destruction.
But God!
God took those broken things and used them for good—for Kingdom purposes.
The two of us are stronger together than apart. We’re stronger still because we are now a strand of three cords with God as our third strand. And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12 ESV).
We chose to stand together in marriage and to invite God into the midst of it. That one choice has made all the difference. Joshua 24:15 … Choose this day whom you will serve … as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (ESV)
Are you being faced with a difficult choice? Invite God to help you make the best choice for you. You will be so glad you did. He will not lead you astray or ever, ever fail you. He can take the broken parts of you and with the power of the blood of Jesus and the indwelling of Holy Spirit, you can be made whole.
I’ve never seen this video before. Get out your tissues. I hope it blesses you. With God, all things are possible. Even making something good out of broken people.
The Conversation
Thanks for the post. Choices DO matter. And I’m so thankful God can take the mess from my unhealthy choices, heal me, and set me on a better path. And I kind of disagree about the cereal. I can choose a healthier cereal (and not gain weight), or I can choose what I used to eat as a kid (that would still taste so good to me). HA HA HA HA 😉
Joni, I stick to plain old Cheerios these days. Occasionally, I may add some mini shredded wheat and bran. Nothing fancy, but so much healthier