Don’t Waste Your Life

We had a guest pastor Sunday and he spoke from Matthew 25, using the parable of the talents. It helps to know that a talent in Biblical days was a unit of money. In today’s dollars, one talent would equal about one million dollars. That’s a lot of money by anyone’s standards.
I’m not going to go into the parable but will speak from the message Pastor Joby had for us. Do yourself a favor and go read that section of the 25th chapter of Matthew. Read the entire chapter and you will be blessed abundantly.
One thing he spoke about was the comparison trap. I’m a writer and I know that it is not uncommon for writers to fall headlong into this trap. Those thoughts aren’t of God. They come straight from the evil, conniving mind of the devil himself.
So often, we see the success of those around us, whatever our calling may be. This isn’t just for writers, but for anyone reading this. You see that person getting a multi-book contract when you can’t even get anyone to look at your work, let alone put it under contract. Then, there’s your fellow worker who got that promotion you thought was surely yours, and you wonder what he/she did that you didn’t. What made them or their work so special?
Here’s the deal—we compare what we know about ourselves to what we don’t know about others. Pretty profound, huh? Let that one sink in for a minute.
Bottom line? Be the you God created you to be and don’t compare. Do all you can to make sure you hear, Well done, good and faithful servant, at the end of your life.
When we find ourselves on Comparison Lane, that is a good time to remember what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. We are to take every thought captive. Just tell yourself to stop.
This is the time to remember we serve a God who gets things done. It isn’t enough to just pray or hope. We need to take action, be doers of the Word (James 1:22 ESV). God has called each of those who believe in Him to a purpose. Whatever that purpose is, do it with all your heart and with all your abilities.
What is that one thing God has laid on your heart, asking you to do for His glory? If you know that and you aren’t doing it, ask yourself why? Could it be fear? Could it be lack of preparedness? Well, you know where to find the help you need. Go get it—take that class, buy that book, attend that conference.
Don’t let fear keep you from stepping out in faith to do that thing. Whatever it is. I’ve seen this quote all over social media in the past few years, If God has called you to it, He will get you through it.
Fear doesn’t come from God. For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV).
Trust Holy Spirit to tell you your next step. Then take that next step knowing you’ve been called to this, therefore, God has equipped you with everything you need to accomplish it, even if you’re at the beginning of this journey. You know what you need to do next. If you don’t know, find someone who does and ask. God puts people in our paths for His purposes and for His glory. My writing journey is a testament to that.
At a dinner with Billy Graham, Pastor Joby asked him if he had one last thing to preach what it would be. He answered Galatians 6:14
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
Stop comparing. Prepare yourself for the task you’ve been called to, then, use every single bit of talent, gifts, abilities God gave to you.
Don’t waste your life so that you will hear, Well done.
Blessings, y’all!
Don't Waste Your Life @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing Share on X
I don’t know this group. This is the first time I’ve heard them, but I think they’re very good and I love this song. It fits with this post so beautifully. I hope it blesses you today.
The Conversation
Comparison is such an evil trap! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
It is! It can cause many to give up, whatever it is. We have to hold those thoughts captive, for sure!
Thank you for reading!
Thank you for the post and your perspective. Great reminder to keep my focus on the eternal.
I have to remind myself of that daily! Thank you for reading.