Does Sunday School Really Matter?
It isn’t often that I find myself in tears during a Sunday school lesson, but that is where I was this past Sunday. Our teacher is so good. He exegetes to the nth degree every single verse. He takes us all over our Bibles, Old Testament to New, to explain what we are reading.
For the past year and a few months, we have been in the 10th chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in Rome, or Romans as the book is called. He has a chart handout that has to do with God’s people, the Hebrews, through the age of Grace and on into the Tribulation and the Great White Throne Judgment.
Now, y’all know I am no Bible scholar, so just reading Romans and applying that to my life is hard enough for me, but when Ed, our teacher, goes through verse by verse and takes us on all these side trips to explain things, well, it isn’t confusing, I can’t say that. But it is eye-opening to me to see all the things he finds that I never would have on my own.
For the first 47 years of our marriage, Hubby and I didn’t get to attend Sunday school. We were always in the choir, and the choir rehearsed every Sunday morning during the SS (Sunday School) time. We sang two services for the first eleven years of our marriage. I was just telling one of our boys this week about getting two adults, and at one time, three babies out the door, fed, dressed, diaper bags or other needed things ready to arrive by 8 a.m. for a rehearsal at 8:15.
See where I’m going? There was no way to attend SS. Even when we moved to FL in 1984 and joined a new church, then moved to a different town in 1989 and added one more baby to the family, things didn’t change. We were still in the choir, and we still couldn’t attend SS. We missed so, so much.
Does Sunday School Really Matter? @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #BibleStudy #SundaySchoolMatters Share on XA USEFUL CHART
Believe me that Ed is making up for lost time. His chart covers the Bible, Genesis to Malachi, Matthew to John, Romans to Philemon, and Hebrews to Revelation. The chart is titled, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. It is very good, and you may order it here:
Grace School of the Bible PO Box 97, Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Phone: 630-529-0520 (Disclaimer – I know nothing about this school, but I do like what I’ve learned from this chart and Ed’s teaching of it).
Now, all of you may not believe the same things when it comes to Bible subjects. Subjects such as Israel, the Law, the Acts of the Apostles, the age of Grace, the Rapture, God’s wrath, the Millennial Kingdom, and Judgment, but the chart is very good. It will give you Scriptures to study that will make you stop and think.
The purpose of the chart isn’t to argue with you, but to help you in your spiritual walk. Believe me when I tell you we have plenty of people in our SS class who challenge Ed every week with questions or a different view of things. All this is part of learning and growing in our faith. We leave every Sunday with notes about things said and questions we have. Like Ed, we use our Bibles to explain the Bible.
Ed told a story this past week about one of his daughters taking a New Testament class in university. The professor gave them an assignment in which they couldn’t use the Bible to explain a paper they had to write, but just a worldly view of the subject. She told him no way could one explain what the Bible said without using the Bible to defend it. I totally agree.
After all those years without SS, and in recent years getting into really studying God’s Word, Hubby and I have grown so much in our faith. We were living in Laodicea before, but now, we feel firmly settled in God’s Kingdom. We’re in our fifth chronological read of our Bibles and we found the right SS class for us. We feel so blessed.
I hope this challenges you to dig deeper. You will be amazed at what you will learn. Being in SS has made a huge difference in our lives. I pray you have or find a wonderful, godly person to teach you wherever you are.
Blessings, y’all!
I love this old hymn. Beautiful tune, beautiful words. SS helps us to see all these things!
The Conversation
I am all about anything that helps you learn more about God’s Word. I looked online and found the chart at Forgotten Truths in Warren, MI for 20 cents. The shipping was $6.00 however… lol
I ordered one. Thanks so much for sharing that resource!!!
I’ve been either in a Sunday school class or teaching one. I teach now and it has been incredibly valuable in learning the word and applying it to our present day lives. What a wonderful new journey for and your husband after blessing others with your singing.
Glad you have such a great teacher and class. I also believe Sunday School or some type of regular discipleship class is important.