Disappointed? Don’t Give Up!

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Life is full of disappointments. I’ve had my share lately, the most recent one happening yesterday. I entered my debut novel in the Selah Awards sponsored by the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. The finalists were announced this morning and I wasn’t among them.
Disappointed? Yes.
Giving up? No.
Don’t get me wrong. There was that voice that we all hear at times like this, you aren’t good enough, you never will be, what made you think you’re a writer? The list goes on and on.
If I’d given up all those years ago, Grave Consequences wouldn’t have been published in the first place, and it wouldn’t have 5-star reviews on a couple of sites and close to 5 stars on others if it hadn’t appealed to at least a few people. And I believe with all my heart that if it wasn’t supposed to have been published, it wouldn’t have been. (Here is an old blog post about my writing journey.) https://debradupreewilliams.com/debra-dupree-williams/following-a-drea…-my-second-voice/
The big question is, how do we deal with our disappointments?
I don’t know about you, but the first thing I did, after my private pity-party, was to ask God to show me what’s next. This may not be evident today, but I know it will be, in His timing. After all, God’s the one who opened the door inviting me to walk into the world of Christian authorship. He knows where this writing journey of mine is going and where and when it will end. I trust Him. This brings to mind my most-often quoted scripture, Jeremiah 29:11. Y’all know I love that one.
So, for now, I’ll keep on keeping on. I have book number two, Grave Decisions, in the editing process. I told you about that last week. There are still some loose ends that need to come together. Besides, I have many people who are waiting for this book. God called me to this, and I’m not a disappointer. Never have been. As a matter of fact, I’ve always been a people-pleaser. Not necessarily a good thing, but in this case, that could be an attribute.
Next, I turned to my Bible for words of encouragement. Romans 8:28 was one of the first verses to come to mind. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (NASB) None of us knows the mind of God, but He gives us a good idea of His character through the written Word. This verse is probably one of the most-quoted. I know I’ve heard it dozens if not hundreds of times in my life. Well, I love God with all my heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37), and I know He has called me to this purpose.
Have you experienced disappointment lately? Did someone you love let you down? Have you lost a job opportunity you truly wanted/needed? Were you disappointed by the Selah Awards?
Take heart! God sees you, He’s El Roi, remember? The God Who Sees You (Genesis 21:14-21). If you need comfort and encouragement as I do, go to the Psalms. They are so full of hope (Psalm 39:7). Here are a couple of my favorites – Psalm 55: 22, Psalm 147:3.
Cling to hope. Keep working on that book, that short story, article, picture book. Whatever it is that God has called you to write for the Kingdom. He will use you and your words in ways you will never know this side of Glory.
Disappointed? For a time, yes, but give up?
There’s always next year.
Let me end this by saying a huge congratulations to all the Selah Awards finalists. I truly am so happy for you. I have many friends whose work was included in this list and I am over-the-moon happy for you.
Here’s an anthem to accompany one of the verses above. We sang this at Independent Presbyterian Church when we lived in Birmingham, Alabama.
The Conversation
Love your tenacity and determination. You inspire many of us, including me. Thank you for being real.
I understand your disappointment but we have to remember contests are subjective. We write for the audience of One and He’s happy with our obedience. Keep on keeping on sister! And please remind me of this when I’m discouraged in the journey.
Deena, thank you for this reminder that we write for the audience of One. I know He’s happy with our obedience. Sometimes we forget this. Pressing on to finish book two. He knows who’s supposed to read it.
Trusting Him for everything. Thank you for the encouragement!