Days in Isolation but Not Alone

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
The COVID-19 has left all of us with a sense of displacement. We’re so accustomed to our busy lives in which we hurry here and there. While I’m sure that God didn’t bring this, not even to get our attention and tell us we all need to slow down and rest—smell the roses, or the coffee, whichever you prefer—the end result is that we are all finding ourselves with time on our hands we hadn’t expected just a few days or weeks ago.
And, we may be feeling just a bit alone.
The question is: What are we going to do with that time?
For my husband and me, we’re staying connected. We’ve spent a lot more time talking with our four grown sons and our sisters. Checking on one another and learning that for now, we are all okay, is a huge relief. We worry most about my husband’s sister who lives in Greece. She and her husband are doing well and have been confined in their home for about three weeks. They plan to stick to that plan.
Amazon, Genealogy, and Cooking
Amazon has always been one of my best friends, but in the past week or so, we have a new-found relationship. I’ve never ordered food or items for long-term survival from them. Mostly, I order books. Books I understand. Buying the things purchased in the past week is almost surreal. You may certainly call me crazy, but I’ve purchased seeds for planting and jars for canning. Of course, I had to buy books that told me how to utilize the jars for canning. If I don’t need them, great. But I will have them should something even worse than this arise. But if I do need them, I’ve got them. A win-win.
Now, y’all know I’m a huge genealogy buff. I’ve traced both my husband’s and my sides of the family. It’s a work in progress and any genealogist worth his salt will tell you, you are never finished. There’s always something new to learn about our ancestors. This week, hubby delved into his mother’s side of the family. I had all manner of files and records. They were mostly organized, but he spent some time making them better. And he looked for photographs, labeled the ones he could, and sent that info to a new-found cousin. So, this may be something you’ve put off, but now you have extra time to spend on such. Warning. Genealogy is addictive.
I spent two days cooking, something I haven’t done a lot of lately. But we have food enough for about a month, at least. All cooked and stored away in the freezer. This is giving me time to do those things I still need to do for my website and time to finish things related to my book launch.
Other than being stuck inside, our lives have changed only slightly. My husband has a new hobby (maybe), he’s happy because I’ve cooked a lot, and I’ve managed to get things done in addition to cooking. In other words, the time has been good, and we’re not worried.
Clinging to Promises
We’ve clung to God’s promise of sheltering us beneath his wings. We trust Him with our lives. We’ve prayed Psalm 91 over us and our family. If you’ve not done that, or you are unfamiliar with that Psalm, go do a search and read it. But don’t just read it, pray it. I know it will bring you comfort in these uncertain days.
My friends, you all are in our prayers. As Joyce Meyer frequently tells her followers, cast your cares. Believe in that blessed assurance that God is still on His throne. You are not alone. Hebrews 13:5.
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