Covid – God’s Not Finished With Us Yet

Last week I opened my blog post with an apology for missing a week due to Covid. Three weeks after the first hints of symptoms, we’re both on the upswing. But it took a while.

Having Covid is no joke as many of you can attest. Especially those of you who lost family or friends to this horrible virus. Our hearts break for you and we extend our deepest sympathy.

We lost a dear, dear friend. Though it had been quite a while since we’d seen her, her loss was felt deeply. She was the assistant organist at the church in which we were members for the five-plus years we lived in the Ft. Myers Florida area, 1984-1990.


She was a fellow Alabamian and a fellow Auburn fan, too. In fact, that is how we ended up in the church she attended. Her son rode the bus with our sons. One day, our eldest and her son both donned Auburn t-shirts. A fast friendship was born, plus an invitation to come to their church was issued. Our son was as happy as I’d seen him since our move when he came home and joyfully shared he’d met an Auburn fan.

I’d cried daily since our unexpected move to Florida. We adored our church home in Birmingham. We’d made fast friends with fellow choir members. Moving away from that close-knit group of musicians was difficult for this gal. As I drove the almost 800-mile trip to Ft. Myers, I cried harder with each passing mile marker. Oh, how I didn’t want to go!

Even our mailman who saw my daily tears reached out to invite us to his church. You guessed it. The same one where the Auburn fans worshiped.

We’d joined a large downtown church, but it didn’t feel like home to us. We decided to give the new church a try. The minute we walked into Covenant Presbyterian, we felt welcomed and were made a part of that church family. The kids settled into the children’s program. I even worked at and taught at VBS that next summer. We joined the choir, and I joined our dear friend in helping to inventory and organize the music library. In a short while, I became the children’s choir director. So much fun!

And then a job change moved us to Tampa and the close ties we’d formed with our Auburn friends went the way of most separated by so many miles. In time, we stopped communicating.


The morning in November 2021 when we were on our way to Ft. Myers from our North Carolina home to my sister’s home, we got word that Sis had passed early that morning (not from Covid, but from a long battle with breast cancer). As I scrolled through my phone to let friends know about Sis, I had an email from my Auburn friend’s husband informing me that she had passed from Covid.

We may never know the truth about how and when Covid was unleashed on the world. We do know it took its toll on so many families around the globe. It cared not about one’s religion, ethnicity, age, or anything else. Some made it through, some did not.

My husband and I are very aware that as sick as we were and at our ages, it could have been so, so much worse.

Covid - God's Not Finished With Us Yet @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing Share on X


But, that said, as Paul said in Philippians 1:21 For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (ESV). As Christians, we live for Christ here on earth. We pray daily that all we say and do and think will be for His glory. But we also know that when we die, our souls will be with Him for all eternity. Definitely gain.

I know this is how my precious friend thought and what she knew to be true.

We thank God for being allowed to remain here a while longer, to work for His kingdom when so many, like my friend, were called Home. We know we have many things left to do. There are friends and family who have not given their hearts to Jesus. We pray daily for them and we strive to be that light in a dark world so that they will seek what we have, and that they will one day give their hearts to Jesus.

My question for you is this—if you were to suddenly be gone from this earth by means of Covid or any number of things that have the power to take our earthly lives, do you know where you would spend eternity? There are only two choices. Choose wisely, my friends. And feel free to reach out if you have questions. Know you are loved and you are prayed for, every day.



Sunday is Resurrection Sunday. May God bless you and your family with all good things. May your lost loved ones find Jesus–the only One whose tomb is empty!! He is Risen!!


I didn’t know this song. I know the words are in a praise song I’ve heard in the past, but I don’t remember what it was. So, I found this one. I hope it blesses each of you.


    The Conversation

  1. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    So glad to hear you and your husband are doing better. Covid has taken its toll on many.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Sally Jo,
      It took a while but we are much better. We’re thankful it wasn’t worse.

  2. Joni says:

    Thanks for your sharing, Debbie. I appreciate you and you are in my prayers as well. 🙂

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I know I can always count on your prayers. You are a dear and beloved friend.

  3. Jane H Green says:

    Debbie, I’m so sorry for all you and your husband have been through with Covid. I love your determination to continue your ministry for the Lord as long as you are here on earth. Hang in there! The best is yet to come:)

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      We long for the day we get phone calls or face-to-face visits proclaiming,
      “Guess Who I met?” We keep praying and we continue to do the work He has called
      us to. He will never leave us or forsake us. Love that promise!

  4. Dee Dee Parker says:

    Debra, I lost my husband to Covid, and my daughter to BC, but I remain here a little longer.I will strive to remain in Christ and work for the Kingdom’s sake.Thank you for this post, sweet friend.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Dee Dee,
      It isn’t easy to say goodbye to those we love the most. We are very aware of
      how blessed we are that things were no worse than they were. We know we have
      work to do. Thankful we have Christ to walk those journeys with us.
      I love you, precious friend.
      Debbie (another DD, what our grands call me)

  5. Tim Richards says:

    Thank you for this post, Debbie. Life is short. I agree we should be thankful we are allowed to “remain here a while longer.” And may we remain in Christ while we are here.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Yes! Very thankful. I know we have things yet to do. Times are tough and they will get
      a lot more challenging for Christians. Thankful to have the Lord to fight for us.


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