Confusion – An Ungodly State of Mind

I know many of us wonder what in the world is going on within our once-great country. I use that descriptor because it seems to this author that our glory days are far behind us. That era in which I grew up, post-World War II, the 1950s and 1960s was an idyllic time. Or so it seemed.
In those days, children were children. We felt safe, other than the occasional bomb drills required by most school districts. Even then, we weren’t made to fear, but to feel safe in the care of our loving teachers whose job it was to teach us the three R’s. We even had a daily devotion. Remember those?
I often wish, no . . . pray, that those days were still a part of who we are. If only our granddaughters could experience the world we had, free from all the horrible things being thrown into their faces these days.
It’s no wonder our children are confused by everything from what gender they may be to even simple things we took for granted, like Daddy being home every night. The television shows we watched were as innocent as we. Shows like Make Room for Daddy, Father Knows Best, Lassie. Then there were our Saturday morning shows—Sky King, Fury, Hop-Along-Cassidy. Even the Disney that once was, was something you could trust to keep your children free from the evils of the time. What a sad state of affairs these days. The magic has turned from white to black. Cruella DeVille is the queen these days. Cinderella has been sent back to scrub the kitchen.
Confusion - An Ungodly State of Mind @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing #writingcommunity Share on XConfused. That is what our children and our society are today. Flat out confused.
The one place we once could absolutely rely on to teach our children the truth was our local church. Thank God for the godly men I once heard.
But now, even the church, in many places, seems as confused as the rest of our society. So many have accepted and are preaching a social gospel or a progressive gospel and even a prosperity, feel-good gospel. Friends, if your church teaches a gospel with an adjective in front of gospel, then it is not the gospel.
As a Christian, I use my Bible as my point of reference for all my thinking. It very plainly states Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8 ESV). I state this verse because I know there are many who feel the Bible is obsolete or was for a certain people at a certain point in civilization. My stance as a Christian should tell you I don’t believe that for one little minute. God’s Word is everlasting and unchanging.
The Bible goes further to say For God is not a God of confusion but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33 ESV). And to fully underscore my point, Jesus said these words—You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 6:44 ESV).
I’ve told you many times, I’m no Bible scholar and I never will be one. I base my thoughts on the pages within Genesis and The Revelation.
Plus, Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also (John 14: 6-7a ESV).
My heart aches for all the things being thrown at our children and grandchildren. Things they should never have had to even think about let alone, deal with. No wonder so many are confused.
Will you please join me in praying for all our children and grandchildren? And for the church. Before it’s too late.
Christ will return one day. I pray we’ll all have a change of heart and mind and see that what we’ve become, what we put on a pedestal these days, what we are allowing to be taught in our schools and in many of our churches are lies, straight from Satan, who we know, is the father of lies.
Father God, open our eyes and our hearts to see only Your truth. Give us wisdom and discernment and move our hearts to repentance in your Holy Name. Amen.
Blessings, y’all!
Dear friends, Jesus died on that cross for all our sins. Every. single. one. of us. Little sin, big sin; it’s all the same to Him. He died for you, no matter what you’ve done! He paid the price you should have to pay. You cannot stand in the presence of our Holy God with sin filling your heart and your mind. You must repent and be born again. Come to Abba Father and leave that confusion behind! Please contact me if you want to know what this looks like. As my precious Papa used to say, God loves you, and so do I.
Not my favorite style of singing, but I know many of you will love this. I have no idea what church she’s associated with. I like this song, so I used it. Have never heard it. I hope my girls will know this truth one day.
The Conversation
For God is not a God of confusion– a truth to remember. Thanks for your post.
Thank you for this great post Debbie. Yes-prayers for our own lives, our families, cities, nation, and especially our churches.
Thank you. Sad to say, some just don’t even get it. They’re so far removed from those of us “ordinary” people,
they don’t even understand what a false teacher is. Praying for all those whose eyes are covered with scales.
Praying they will understand that real love means calling one to repent of sins, no matter what the world’s
message may be. Thank you for reading!