Child of the Covenant

During this Coronavirus shelter-in-place edict, my husband and I, like so many of you, have been worshiping with our church online. It has been such a blessing to us. Now, we call this our church because we already feel a part of its body, the body of Christ. We haven’t officially joined or moved our letter, as it’s called, but we will once we’ve been given the all-clear by our doctors. At the moment, they are still urging us to stay home in spite of things opening up around the country, including our area.


The church is named Biltmore Church because, like so many things in the Asheville, North Carolina, area, it’s named for the famous home, Biltmore, built long ago by the Vanderbilt family. Members of the family still live there, but the current occupants are Cecil.

During the worship service this past Sunday, we experienced one of the most moving events of the past few weeks. In the midst of all the chaos going on in our streets, a young lady, eight years of age, asked to be Baptized into the Christian faith. Her father is one of the pastors at Biltmore Church and it was his honor and privilege to baptize his own daughter. That alone gave me chills.

But wait … there’s more. As he held his daughter in his loving hands, one hand behind her head and one grasping her hands, he spoke these words over her, (I changed her name here, so don’t be alarmed that I’m sharing privacy issues) Sally, child of the Covenant, I baptize you, my sister, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

 What jumped out at you in the above quote? When I heard that daddy call his daughter, my sister, I lost it. I wept. And even as I write those words, I’m sitting here with tears running down my cheeks. It moved me that much.

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Becoming a child of the King, thus making us brothers and sisters in Christ?


If you know someone who doesn’t know Christ yet, please share the Good News with them (John 3:16). They may get angry, they may call you crazy and naïve for believing, but do it anyway. Jesus gave us the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 16-20), to spread the Gospel to all the world. It can begin right in your own home or neighborhood.

Child of the Covenant @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith Share on X

Blessings to each of you as you shine the light of Christ in this dark world.



    The Conversation

  1. Paula Sweat says:

    This really touched my heart. Thank you for sharing, thank you for reminding me not to give up or stop trying to evangelize those that I know and love that still have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Thank you my dear friend and “sister” in Christ.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      My precious friend, my Sister in Christ, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. In the times we’re living, it certainly seems that our time for winning souls is getting shorter by the day.
      I love you and I miss you. Thank you for reading.

  2. Dee Dee Parker says:

    Thank you for this wonderful post!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Sweet Dee Dee, thank you so much for reading and for subscribing. That means the world to me. Y’all are in my prayers!

  3. Lisa Swinger says:

    Thank you for sharing this precious story. I’m crying too. So encouraging and tender.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Lisa, I’m so glad your heart was touched by this, too. It was a precious moment!

  4. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    A touching post.

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