Blessings, Y’all!

My husband and I are continuing our chronological Bible study. We’re a few weeks behind in the plan we follow, but that’s okay. We’ve decided to take our time and really dig for those nuggets we miss. If it takes us two years this time through, that’s okay for we know we will have gained further knowledge and be in a closer relationship with Christ because of it.
Today, we read Numbers, chapters five and six. At the end of chapter six is that blessing we all know so well, the Aaronic Blessing.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. (Num. 6:24-26 ESV)
These are beautiful words. I’ve probably sung them far more often than I’ve said or read them. Seeing them in context takes on a whole new meaning with a chronological reading of one’s Bible.
Do you know who said these words and from whom they came? As many times as I’ve sung them, and now with our third read-through, it finally sank into my heart. These words were spoken over the people of Israel by Aaron, the big brother of Moses. We read in verses 22- 23, The LORD spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them,” and then the words of the blessing are given to Moses for Aaron, by God.
Aaron was the High Priest, the only one allowed to enter the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. The dwelling place of God.
Just as He was with the Hebrew children, He is still with us today. He’s just as accessible. No farther from us than a whisper of His name on our lips. A beat of our hearts. Look around you. He’s everywhere!
Last week I wrote about Moses asking God to show him His face. God told Moses if he looked on His face, Moses would die. He protected Moses by putting him in the cleft of the rock and covering Moses’ face with His hand. God passed by and revealed His back.
God so wants to be in relationship with His beloved children. Look at all the chances He’s already given them up to this point. Every time Moses intercedes on their behalf, God relents. He shows mercy. That’s who God is. Merciful. Gracious. Abounding in steadfast love. The one who tells us to forgive 70 times 7. He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. He is Abba!
Our study Bible told us today that when we pray blessings over others, those blessings return to us. I love that thought. It makes me want to bestow prayers for a blessing on all those I love, and even those who aren’t so loveable. That causes me to wonder if those people have ever heard a blessing. Mind-boggling. The thought of never hearing a blessing said over you. No wonder our world is in such a mess.
Know I’m praying this simple blessing over each of you today. I hope you will pray it over those you love and especially over those who may have never heard such words said to them, let alone prayed over them.
Look for blessings as you read through your Bible this week. I searched Blessings in the Bible, and it gave me link after link. I know you will be blessed.
Blessings, y’all!
John Rutter is one of my favorite modern composers. This is his lovely setting of those timeless words. The Lutkin is probably the most well-known. I’ve sung both and love each of them. The Lutkin is how my college concert choir closed all its services and concerts. So many wonderful memories. Blessings, y’all!
The Conversation
I have that blessing posted on my wall at the front door. I put it up, hoping that everyone that passed through would receive that blessing into their hearts. Your thought that some people may have never received a blessing is sad and also an encouragement to be more loving of others. Thank you for a great post!
Thanks for sharing, Debbie. Prayer is the most divine, most effective action we can take to help others. Prayers for you!
Yes. Prayer is an essential part of our lives. I appreciate those lifted for me. Praying them right back to you.
Thank you for this wonderful post Debbie. I love your willingness to share what you are learning through your devotion time. May God continue to richly bless the work you are doing for Him.
Thank you. I appreciate your prayers for the work of my hands and heart. Praying for you in the same manner, my friend.