Bless This House

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Do you take God for granted? I think most of us fall into that trap from time to time. We know He’s with us, beside us day by day, hour by hour. But sometimes, maybe we get just a bit too comfortable.
My husband and I realized this recently. I saw a Facebook post about how to pray over every room of your home. We quickly realized we hadn’t done this when we moved here three years ago. Three years of abiding within these walls without having invited God to join us here.
That was rather mind-boggling.
That same week, friends who had recently purchased a home not far from where we live posted about dedicating their home to God, for His purposes.
Do you think He was trying to get our attention?
As a result, I went online to research blessing one’s home. You’ll be surprised at how many posts and YouTube videos fall into that category.
We found a good one and I listened to it line by line, writing down her words. It was so powerful. Even though I’m a writer, I couldn’t have done any better than this young lady. You can tell she has Holy Spirit abiding in her.
One thing my long-time readers will know about me is I’m into essential oils, big time. I don’t rep a company or sell them, but I have quite a supply of them. I went to my container which houses all of mine and I chose three that seemed appropriate for this purpose.
My husband and I prayed over the oil, asking God to set it aside from a common to a sacred use. Now, I don’t know if one should do that part, but it seemed right to me. After all, we’re about to ask God, the Holiest of Holy, to enter our home.
Here is the process we used, following the suggestions of the young woman in the YouTube video.
Firstly, we went outdoors and anointed the doorposts of our main entrance. This is a simple process. My husband put oil on his finger and made the sign of the cross on each side and on the top post. Then we entered and prayed over our home.
Next, we went into each room and anointed each window, each entry point, and each mirror in like manner. The entire process took about half an hour as we live in a home with tons and tons of windows.
This may seem a bit ritualistic, but we feel it was an act of faith and one more step we could take in keeping out those things (demons, evil spirits) which often attack believers. Y’all know we’ve been under attack for the past few months. We’re trusting God to work against the powers of darkness in the name of Jesus.
As a result of this action, we feel much more secure in our home. We know God has been here with us all this time, but we hadn’t taken the time to actually speak words inviting him to dwell with us in our home and to use it for His purposes.
No more taking God for granted. He tells us to ask, and it shall be given you (Matthew 7:7-8 NASB). We know He wants the best for us and that includes dwelling within our home with us.
Blessings, Y’all!
Have you blessed your home? It really is an easy thing to do. And the peace that comes from having done this is priceless.
I remember this rendition from my childhood. I do hope and pray it blesses you.
Here is the video of the young lady with the prayer of blessing.
The Conversation
I love the sentiment in this post Debra. When we moved into our home in 1997, couples in our Christian prayer group came over and prayed over each room in the house and around the property.
Sally Jo, Thank you. I’m glad you liked my thoughts. Mostly, I love that you and your friends prayed over your home. I don’t know why we failed to do that in this one. God knew and He knew coming events and how we would react and respond. So thankful for Him laying this upon my heart. We were covered before, but now, we’ve done our part in inviting Him in!! Thanks for reading!! Blessings! D