Be Cautious and Pray

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Many of you have contacted me about being on my launch team. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. A book doesn’t just appear out of thin air. It takes a lot of people coming alongside us to get word out about it.
Be Aware
But even as I’m busy doing those things, I’m acutely aware that we are in the midst of a huge health issue for many parts of the world. My own state, North Carolina, now has at least two if not more, cases of COVID-19.
I understand the need to be cautious. We’re doing all those things people our age have been told to do. Before this happened, we had several doctor appointments on our schedules. We didn’t cancel those, but we have used caution when we go. We wash our hands and take hand sanitizer with us. If you can’t find any, and we hear stores are running out of it all over the place, get in touch with me, or refer to your essential oils booklet you received when you signed up for my newsletter. It is full of lots of essential oil recipes.
Some Precautions
A few other things we’re doing. If you got the FB post many of us got, you know to wear rubber or nitrile gloves to do things like pump your gas. A place where multiple people congregate daily. If you must cough, walk away from people, then cover your cough with your elbow. If you’re achy, sneezy, feverish, then, stay home.
This isn’t a time to panic, just to be cautious. Eventually, life will return to normal. Mostly, this is a time for good old-fashioned common sense.
My sister’s husband is in a nursing home. They are asking visitors to stay away. Her son and daughter-in-love had already told her she needed to not visit him until further notice. She’s undergoing chemo for breast cancer so she’s at high risk. It’s best she stays at home.
Know that I am praying for you and your family and friends. Do take care of yourself. Right now, being cautious and praying are the best things we can do, for ourselves, and our fellow citizens.
May the blessings of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be upon you and your loved ones and remain with you forever. Amen.
Hand Sanitizer
Order from your favorite online site, dispenser tubes for lotion or small bottles
1/3 Cup Pure Alcohol, 70%
2/3 Cup Pure Aloe Vera Gel
15 Drops Thieves
8 Drops Peppermint
1Tbs. Vitamin E Oil
If you don’t have Thieves oil, combine, 5 drops Cloves oil, 5 drops Cinnamon Oil, 5 drops Rosemary Oil, and 5 drops Lemongrass Oil
You may use Oregano or Lavender if you prefer a lighter scent. All these oils are good for killing germs.
If the odor is too strong for you, lower the oils you find the strongest. For me, I can’t do Cloves or Cinnamon. I will use Tea Tree, Peppermint, Rosemary, and Oregano. Five drops of each.
See my Pinterest Page and my Essential Oils Board there for more recipes. I love going natural with such.
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