Are You Listening?

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
You know those moments when something seems so wonderful that we can hardly believe it’s happening to us? But at the same time, you get this feeling in the pit of your stomach, a voice in your spirit that’s telling you this isn’t for you?
Listen to that voice.
That’s God.
I’ve recently had two such moments. One thing was inconsequential in the scope of my life, still, had I listened to those gut feelings, the red flags waving in the distance, I would have saved myself and another person a slight headache.
The second thing is big. I mean it could be very big. It could change my life, and it could potentially change the lives of many others. But, right now, I don’t feel comfortable with it. At this point, I’m still in a wait and see mode while I wait on God to bring me clarity.
Have you had those moments? I’ve had more than my share.
I think back on my life at choices I made in which I knew God was sitting there, on His throne, shaking His head. He probably had His head in His hands. Now, I don’t presume to say I know the mind of God, but I know some of my choices were definitely not the ones He would have had me make. Free will at work here, y’all.
God’s pretty clear about what He expects of us. He gave us the best instruction book ever. Yes, I’m speaking of the Bible. I Corinthians 14:33 says God isn’t a God of confusion but of peace. (NASB)
Well, I didn’t feel peace about that little thing, but I did it anyway. I should have listened. I didn’t. So many times, I should have listened, and I didn’t.
Peace and Wisdom
And the big thing? At this moment, I don’t have peace about it. But knowing it could possibly impact the lives of many people in a positive way has me praying for clarity. And wisdom. James 1:5 says: But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (NASB)
For certain, God will have the final say in this matter. I will either gain a sense of peace about it, or I will walk away. I trust Him.
Do you listen to that Still Small Voice when you hear it? Share your experience with us.
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