Are You a Judas or a Peter?

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Y’all know I often share my thoughts about our Sunday sermons with you. We are so blessed to have a Bible-teaching pastor. This year we are reading through the Bible as a church family. Our sermon this week came from John 13:21-30. The title was The Judas in Me.
I didn’t think I had any of Judas in me but maybe I need to think about this for a while. I should ask God to reveal to me ways in which I may not be all I think I am.
Our pastor compared the betrayal of Peter when he denied Christ, to the betrayal by Judas when he identified Him to the Roman soldiers with a simple kiss. Both were in the wrong to have done these things. The difference lies in their reaction to their betrayal.
Truly, both felt some level of guilt. But apparently, Judas didn’t have the indwelling of Christ, he only put on an outward show of such, and then, only when he was with the disciples.
But Peter, formerly Simon, was different. Jesus saw something special in Peter and He gave him this new name, Peter, saying to him, And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it (Matthew 16:18 NASB). Peter was so overcome with guilt and shame that he went out and wept. Surely he went to Father in prayer, confessing his sin and asking His forgiveness. Unlike Judas, Peter ran to the Father. Peter’s sin broke his heart but not his faith. He later became the leader of the Apostles and was crucified for his beliefs.
He hanged himself.
Why did he do that?
Judas had remorse and regret but he did not repent of his sin of the betrayal of Jesus. We know this from the book of Matthew, chapter 27 (NASB). Judas said to the chief priests and elders after Jesus was arrested, I have sinned by betraying innocent blood. Judas knew, but he ran from the Father rather than to Him. He simply couldn’t accept that a perfect God could and would forgive him.
How wrong he was!
Poor Judas. He knew, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to trust God enough to come to Him and confess His sin and ask forgiveness. I can’t imagine having heard all the promises from Christ Himself, and not believing or trusting Him.
Judas’s character was revealed bit by bit, and he disintegrated little by little. If you aren’t killing your sin, your sin will kill you (Pastor Bruce). Judas’s sin caused him to hang himself. Sin never wants to stay small (Pastor Bruce). It will take over our lives if we don’t turn to Father with truly repentant hearts. This is key. You can’t just say the words, you must mean them within your heart and your spirit.
But Peter proved himself to be that rock Christ had called him. He was completely, utterly repentant.
Are you a Judas or a Peter? In which direction are you running–to or from? If you are unsure, I urge you to run to Jesus. He’s slow to anger, quick to forgive, and He loves each of us so very much. He is Hope, Joy, Peace, Eternal Life, Truth, The Way, and as my new favorite song says – Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness.
Are You a Judas or a Peter? @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writing Share on XBlessings, y’all!
I love this song. Back in the day, I sang this many times. I couldn’t sing those high notes today if I had to. I do hope this blesses you. Let’s all stand on the Solid Rock – Jesus!
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