Apologetics – Defending Our Faith

Apologetics is defined simply as defense of the Christian faith. If you’re like me, you’ve either never or only recently known this word.

I’m not sure I fully understand it. Theological thoughts and ideas can prove challenging. Especially so to those of us who feel like “baby Christians”. I can honestly say I don’t remember a time when I didn’t think of myself as a Christian, but I do know I wasn’t the Christian I was supposed to be until recent years. I have God intervening in my life in ways I’d never imagined for this change of heart and mind (metanoia – change of mind).


Here are some popular and well-known modern-day apologists. I think you will recognize their names.

Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, Tim Keller, R.C. Sproul, and C.S. Lewis. I’ve read works by all of these men. I’d like to add to this list Alisa Childers.

If you’ve never watched her show of the same name, find her on YouTube   https://www.youtube.com/@alisachilders  We enjoy her show immensely. She’s had some very interesting guests. One of her guests we’ve recently discovered is Allen Parr. He has his own show called The Beat, also on YouTube.     https://www.youtube.com/@thebeatagp

Apologetics - Defending Our Faith @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #apologetics #writingcommunity Share on X


In my research of today’s apologists, I ran across Mama Bear Apologetics, a book edited by Hillary Morgan Ferrer. Alisa has mentioned this book on her show. It is in my bookcase and I’ve only just begun to study it. Good stuff!

Another book Alisa recently mentioned is actually the tenth-anniversary edition (2019). It is titled Tactics by Gregory Koukl. Its subtitle (is it still a subtitle if it appears above the title?) is A game plan for discussing your Christian convictions. I can’t comment a great deal on this as I only heard about it while listening to Alisa on Monday night. It came Tuesday afternoon and I have only had a chance to glimpse at it very briefly. The few pages I read were very good. I think these two books are ones you may want to add to your shelf.


As a friend of many people who doubt the existence of God, Tactics is a book I wish I’d had since it was first published in 2009.

I’m no Bible scholar neither am I an apologist. I’m just a grandma (DD) seeking wisdom and knowledge I’ve never had. I hope you find these resources to be of help in your Christian walk. Can you add apologists you like to this list? Please share those names with us.

How may I pray for you this week?


Blessings, y’all.

Alisa has many talents. She has her YouTube channel, she’s authored many books, and she sings! She was once a member of the rock group – Zoe Girl. What a change in one’s life! Her testimony is on here. Worth a listen!


    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing the info and your thoughts. I appreciate you!

  2. Tim says:

    Thank you, Debbie. Apologetics is important but also difficult for me. I have The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel and I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Athiest by Frank Turek d Norman Geiser. Both very good but get difficult as you move through them.

  3. Jane H Green says:

    Thanks for sharing these resources. I put Mama Bear Apologetics in my Amazon cart☺️

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