Anxious Days Call For The Ancient of Days

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Hello all. Here we are, beginning week three of social distancing, but now mandatory shelter-in-place orders are in effect until the end of April. We don’t know if that will be extended at this point. Only time will tell.
These are uncertain times. News changes daily. Warnings change with each social media post. At this point, I’m paying little attention to those. All they do is make me anxious.
But in these uncertain times, we can rely on the One who does not change (Hebrews 13:8).In the book of Daniel, Daniel calls God the Ancient of Days. (Daniel 7:9-14).  Philippians 4:6-7 tells us not to be anxious about anything, but to go to God with our requests. It goes on to tell us that in doing so, we will be filled with the peace of God. I’m paraphrasing here, go to your Bible for the entire verse. While you’re there, just read the entire book. It’s a short one and is full of goodies, just like the rest of God’s Word.

There’s an App for That
It seems I’m always a day late, or in this case about three months late, in starting things. Many members of my family began reading through the Bible back on January 1, 2020. They, now we, because I started this week, are using You VersionBible app on our phones. Y’all know I’m no techie, so you’ll have to look for these things. My precious niece, bless her, tried to walk me through it. Suffice it to say, about two weeks later and a conversation with a cousin who is in this group, and I finally have it up and running.
We’re doing a chronological reading. That means, we start in Genesis, but it doesn’t read the entire book of Genesis, it moves to what happened next, then the next event, and so forth. I’m just now getting into this, but believe me when I tell you, you will see things in an entirely different way by doing this.
Along with the You Version app, we all downloaded a second app, Bible Recap and chose D-Group. In this one, a young lady walks you through about twelve minutes of introduction for five days. Then you’re ready to delve into your daily readings. If you do The Bible Recap, you will need Spotify on your phone as she talks you through and explains what you just read. A lot of techie things to be done, but if I can do it, you can. If you get lost in the shuffle, send me a PM and I’ll try to walk you through it.
As I said, I’m just beginning this. I may do a few readings each day just to try to catch up a bit. I don’t want to go so fast that I’m not grasping what God has to say to me. That’s the beauty of this—you go at your own pace. Be sure to keep a journal and write what you’ve learned, any questions you may have about that passage, what you feel God is saying specifically to you, and any other thoughts you may have.
Place of Peace
The one place I’m finding true solace in these times is within scripture. It’s where we find God’s promises to us. We’ve all read the ending, so we know who wins, but God’s Word is full of timely messages for our daily lives. We especially need to cling to Him for hope and reassurance in these uncertain days.
Know I’m praying for you and your loved ones. If you decide to join us on this reading journey, let us know. We’re all in this together. 
How are you coping in these times? Are you anxious? Have you found the Peace that passeth all understanding? Share your thoughts with us. 


    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    I love this blog so much, I have to post another comment. So thankful God is with us at all times and never leaves or forsakes us. Great blog, Debra.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you, Joni. I appreciate that. As you can see, I am learning how to navigate the new website. Blessings!

  2. Joni says:

    Thanks for posting this. God is with us always, in all ways, and all the way.

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