Cow and Camel – Safely Home

Even as I write this, tears are in my eyes. Oh, the mighty power of God. In the little things that matter to us. In the big things—like the Holy Spirit working in the lives of those we love so much who continue to deny a loving God in favor of a fallen world.

The miracles of Jesus.

Were they real?

Are they still possible?

The answer is a resounding yes.

We’re told the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. And the Bible tells us of the miracles Jesus and His apostles were able to perform. Since Jesus Himself told us He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, we can know the Bible is true. Paul, who wrote the majority of the New Testament, tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God (ESV).

What I am about to say may sound unbelievable to some of you. Had I not seen it, or experienced it, I likely wouldn’t have either. Believe me, my husband would not allow me . . . us to believe this were it not real.

A Christmas Miracle - Cow and Camel are Safely Home @DDuPreeWilliams #ChristmasMiracle #AnsweredPrayers #writing Share on X


Just a few days ago I put a post on Facebook/Meta asking,  How does one lose a cow and a camel?

No, not live animals, but much-loved members of a lovely little nativity I purchased a few years ago. Wooden, beautifully painted, whether by hand or machine doesn’t matter to me. I fell in love with it when I first saw it. Half off at Hobby Lobby. But priceless to me.

When I opened the box in which I’d packed away all the pieces last Christmas, they were all there—Mary and Joseph (whom I hadn’t figured out in a blog post about 5 years ago), Baby Jesus, a shepherd, an angel, and the three wise men with their gifts. But where were the cow and the camel?

Not in the box.

Why? Wouldn’t I have put the entire set into the same box? I’m not the most organized person in the world, but it didn’t make sense for them not to be in there.

We’d removed all the contents and placed the other things mostly in their usual places. The bigger nativity went to the mantel this year. The lighted wooden tree went on the front porch. The wooden deer went to the green cabinet in the foyer. A couple of feet away, I placed the last piece to go on that green cabinet—a carved wooden welcome sign I’ve had for about ten years.

Still . . . no cow . . . no camel.


Where could they be? We opened every box we’d brought down from the attic and went through all the contents, more than once. Not there.

We opened the drawers. We opened the green cabinet. We could have seen them even if we hadn’t opened the cabinet as the doors have glass in them.

We went to bed Saturday night with me still wondering where my cow and camel could be.

I’m not a good sleeper. Many nights I lie awake praying for the things on my mind, especially for our seven children who are our four sons, daughter-in-love and our two granddaughters. I prayed about a major decision we need to make as a couple. I prayed about my writing. While I was at it, I asked God if He could show me where my cow and camel are.

I knew He knew exactly where they were, but I couldn’t find them.


On Sunday morning, Hubby got up early as always. He does his first cup of coffee while spending his quiet time with God. At seven, he came to awaken me for Sunday school and church.

It took me a few minutes to wake up. I went into the kitchen where he asked if I wanted eggs, and I told him tea would suffice. I sat with him while he ate. We noticed the time was a bit after eight, and we’d need to hurry. I made a second cup of tea and headed to our bedroom.

That path took me past the green cabinet. The one where I’d placed the welcome sign Saturday night.

There sat my cow and camel.


Surely, Hubby would have already told me he’d found them. I’d been up for about an hour. He wouldn’t let me continue to worry. Besides, we’d talked about them during breakfast.

I called to Hubby,  Hurry. Come and see.

 He came in and I pointed to the cow and camel.

Where did you find them? He said.

I didn’t. I just noticed them there. Then, I pointed to them, sitting right in front of the welcome sign. You didn’t put them there?

He shook his head and said Baby, I didn’t. I promise you, I didn’t.

I fell to my knees with tears streaming down my face.


Friends, the God who knows the number of hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:26-31 ESV) is the same God who hears all our prayers. He hears those prayers your mother’s or father’s heart has lifted for your lost children. God hears when you ask for healing, when you ask for your marriage to be put back together. And He hears you when you ask Him to forgive you.

He’s the same God who knew where my cow and camel were.

Was this a modern-day miracle?


 I don’t know why God chose to do this. All I know is I believe He did.

He is not like us, humans with flesh and bones. He is outside of time and space. And He can do anything. He’s omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He is Sovereign over every little thing.

Even my cow and camel.

As a friend posted this week on Facebook. Don’t quit. Don’t you dare quit praying for those things on your heart. Those people on your heart. For this lost world of ours.

God hears us.

And He still works miracles.

Blessings, y’all!

Such a beautiful arrangement of these two old hymns. John W. Peterson. Have you ever received a miracle? I’ve had a few in my lifetime. I’m so thankful to God.


    The Conversation

  1. Patricia Tiffany Morris says:

    Such a fun and relatable story. Well done! Merry Christmas dear friend. Patricia Tiffany Morris

  2. Jane H Green says:

    Oh! I just loved your little miracle story. God loves you so much He placed that cow and camel with them lined up in such a cute way with the Welcome sign! How Amazing! Love like that only comes from a Sweet Savior:)

  3. Joni says:

    I learned a long time ago, that if it is important to me, it’s important to God because He loves me so much. I also know that if something is important and shouldn’t be, God works with me to change me and put things in perspective. And a cow and a camel are important…. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  4. Andrea Merrell says:

    Awesome! God is so good! 🙂

  5. Tim Richards says:

    Lovely, Debbie. Yes, He is a God of miracles, big and small.

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