8 Things I Learned From Job

We just completed the book of Job. This is a tough book. It is one of the wisdom books. Written about four hundred years after the flood, this book tells us Job was a wealthy man of good standing in his community. He knew God and worshiped Him. He considered himself to be a righteous man. Yet God allowed Satan to take away everything Job had—his home, his children, his flocks, all his possessions, and even his health. But through all this, Job may have questioned God, and he came close to doubting God, but he never did. He kept his trust even though he didn’t understand why this had happened to him.
8 Things I Learned From Job @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #trust #wisdom Share on X
- Because Satan’s powers are limited, as God’s people we can overcome his attacks through God’s power. (Read Ephesians 6:10-20).
- Sitting in silence with a friend who is going through a rough time is far better than giving bad advice. Just be there for them. Pray for them. Give them a shoulder and support, but no bad advice.
- Job took his frustrations to God, and we can do that, too. God has big shoulders, and He tells us to cast our cares. (Read I Peter 5:7)
- We can’t claim sinless lives, but we can claim to live forgiven lives. Jesus paid the price for us on the cross. (Read John 3:16).
- In this life, our greatest test may be that we must learn to trust God even though we don’t understand the whys or wherefores of our trials or our suffering.
- God will do all He can to turn us from sin and to eternal life. (Read Job 33: 29)
- God our Creator keeps watch over and orders the comings and goings of the lesser beings. How much greater is His watch over us. (Read Jeremiah 29:11). God saw Job and He sees us. He loved Job and He loves us. What he began in us He will see to completion just as He did with Job. (Read Philippians 1:6).
- Even in the midst of his suffering, Job knew God was his source for hope. (Read Romans 15:13 and read Job 13:15a).
Have you studied the book of Job? Can you add to this list something you learned? We’d love for you to share with us. It’s a great book. I hope you will take the time to read it if you never have and read it again if it’s been a while. See what new things you find this time.
Blessings, ya’ll!
This is another anthem we sang in Birmingham. I always loved this one. So simple in its message. It goes perfectly with Job and his trials.
The Conversation
I love your post and the encouragement it gives.
Something interesting I learned today. In Job, Satan had access to heaven and he came after Job with accusations and trickery. But in Revelation 12:9-12, he is finally cast out of heaven for good… cast down to earth… and he can accuse us no more.
Revelation 12:10b “For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth— the one who accuses them before our God day and night.”
Thank you for sharing. In the second episode of The Rifleman, Pa (Chuck Connors) tell Mark (Johnny Crawford) the story of Job when they are going through rough times. So thankful to God that He loves us beyond measure.