Finding Good in Social Media

As the world seems to spiral down, out of our control, I never fail to find solace in messages posted by friends on social media. Some, and even most, of those people I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting face to face. Yet, here we are, prayerfully lifting one another up. Whether that is through a loss or a celebration.


This week alone, one dear friend suffered a tremendous loss. Those of us who’ve met her in person, and even those who’ve never met her, rallied around to offer words of comfort and to let her know we are praying for the Peace that only Christ can give to her broken heart. Another mourns in the same way. We’ve been there for her for over a year as she walks her grief journey. We share their pain and know the power of a simple prayer to heal and restore, and we do this because we are brothers and sisters in Christ.


Another friend, one I’ve never met, has dealt with debilitating health issues brought about by a horrific event that could have been avoided had people only heeded her requests. Even though she has been hospitalized and in great pain, her words of encouragement bring hope to my heart. She amazes me with her outpouring of words of wisdom and her ability to carry on, even through her pain. Truly inspiring.

Yet another friend, one I have yet to meet, lifts us up even as she goes through chemo. She has a ready smile and words of hope and cheer for all of us. A dear friend joins her, one I’ve been blessed to meet in person, who posts words of hope daily, even though she often suffers debilitating pain.

Finding the Good in Social Media @DDuPreeWilliams #socialmedia #encouragement #yourwordsmatter Share on X


The cheerful posts of still another friend who posts nothing but words of good cheer, funny things, and Biblical truths always bring a smile to my heart. She is a bright spot in my day.

My message to you is this. When you go to your social media pages, don’t get caught up in all the negativity. Look for those people who lift you up and give you hope in this ever-darkening world. They’re there if you only take the time to look. Move them to your list of most important people to follow.

If you haven’t already done so, make uplifting memes. Share Bible verses. Share words of love and hope. You never know whose life can possibly change because of your words. Pray over your words. Ask God to direct them to the people He knows need them the most.

I’m so thankful for my social media peeps. So many of you have prayed for me and my family through hard times, even when you weren’t aware of the situation. Know that my husband and I are so thankful for you, and we pray blessings upon you.

If you have prayer needs, don’t hesitate to ask for specifics, if you feel so led. At any rate, know this household and likely many, many others are praying for you. Now, go find something uplifting and post it somewhere. Somebody you may never meet needs your words today.


Blessings, y’all!

Amen and Amen!!!  Hold onto this in these dark days!!! Love to each of you, and may His blessings fall upon you!



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    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing, Debbie. And I agree. I post uplifting pictures and verses – and pass by the negativity. 🙂

  2. Jane H Green says:

    Your posts are always encouraging to me and I am grateful for them.

  3. Andrea Merrell says:

    So encouraging, Deb! 🙂