Your True Colors – Are They Masked?

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
My husband and I love to take long drives on the Blue Ridge Parkway. One of the perks of living in the gorgeous mountains of western North Carolina is getting to experience the glorious colors presented by the change of seasons. Rhododendron in the spring or red, yellow, and orange leaves announcing the arrival of fall. We are among the ranks of those who proclaim that fall is our favorite of the seasons.

On any given day of the week, you could find us out and about, seeking that perfect photo-op. Now, neither of us will ever declare ourselves to be photographers. That title belongs to others.

Gorges State Park

On a recent drive, we found ourselves at the Gorges State Park. If you’ve not been there, you should definitely make the trip sometime. Three weekends in a row we ventured out seeking the change of colors that comes with the fall season. But on two of those trips we were disappointed in the display this year. While there was some color change, the leaves were definitely not putting on their normal show for so late in the season. We wondered why and we heard many guesses—too much rain, summer lasted too long, we had no fall, we went straight from summer to winter. Who really knows why things were a bit different this year?

When we arrived at Gorges we finally got to see a show much like that we’ve come to expect each fall. The leaves were beautiful. There were yellows and oranges of many hues. The reds were not quite as vibrant as most years, nonetheless, we managed to get some pretty good photos.

We walked around the visitor center after answering a few questions about how to get to Brevard and Looking Glass Falls. We had visited Gorges Park just once before, back in the late summer. Even though we walked through the displays at that time, somehow, I missed this one. Unless, of course, they change them for the different seasons.


This particular day there were photos of the trees you will find during a hike at Gorges. A photo of a yellow leaf was captioned explaining that the colorful pigments in the leaves of fall are present year-round, but they are masked part of the year by more dominant green pigments called chlorophylls. Imagine, all those gorgeous colors we wait for every year—from one fall to the next—have actually been there all along, but we couldn’t see them.

This made me think about how many of us are hiding our potential behind a mask. How many wear a mask of fear or self-doubt? Those of you who are writers know all-too-well of what I speak.

There is a quote which has been on Facebook or Instagram a lot in recent years, If God takes you to it, He will get you through it. Which reminds me of a favorite Bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11, about God knowing the plans He has for you.

In Season . . . Shine

Whatever God has called you to—He has given you the ability to undertake that calling. Whether that’s to be a writer, musician, artist, teacher, member of our military, or anything you can imagine, God has placed within you what you need to accomplish your goals. They may be hiding out for a while as you prepare for the future, that time you feel ready to remove your mask and let your light shine . . . like the fall leaves, hiding beneath a layer of chlorophyll until the right season arrives and they reveal their true colors. Just think—they’ve been there all along.

Are you ready to show your true colors or do you still have work to do? Share your thoughts with us.


 Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!

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