Words of Comfort, Help of the Helpless

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
So many of my family members, friends, and acquaintances are going through some health issues as I write this. I don’t know if illness is more prevalent or if it only seems so because of social media and how quickly word travels.

Three years ago, when my only sibling, my older sister Bobbie was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, I spent hours pouring over my Bible seeking words of comfort and hope. One of my favorite books has always been the Psalms. The words still fill us with peace and comfort.

My Prayer

As I read through the book of Psalms at that time, I made notes in the margins and highlighted favorite passages. There are many pages with these words, the prayer I repeated over and over, were written—Father God, please heal my sister.

This past week as I pondered what my word of the year should be, I went again to favorite Bible verses and was amazed at how many of the passages had been set to music in a favorite anthem or solo. I’ve sung in church since I was three years old, so to say I’ve sung a great deal of the Bible would be an understatement. 
The Universal Language
I’ve sung in Latin, German, French,  and some languages I’m sure I’ve forgotten. I’ve even sung in Farsi. Hymns and Sunday School songs were my first exposure, but as I got older and more experienced, I was blessed to be a member of choirs in which we sang entire masses—Mozart, Brahms, Vierne, Durufle, Vaughan-Williams, Rutter,etc. Our choir in Birmingham even sang about the defeat of Sennacherib. I feel blessed to know so much of the Bible just through my gift of music.

Last week I posted a meme about my chosen word—hope. I now need to find a verse to go with it for a Bible study in which my sister and I and many of our friends are participating. My go-to place is the book of Psalms. I found one verse, but I want to prayerfully read more verses in which hope is the main thought. But, while looking at that very familiar verse my hope is in Thee (Psalm 39:7), my eyes were drawn across the page to Psalm 41.

Words of Comfort

The words jumped out at me and I read them aloud. I marveled that I hadn’t highlighted them before. Psalm 41:1-3 conveys words about sickness and God’s promises during those times.

If you’ve never  read these comforting words, I urge you to open your Bible and read them. I called my sister tonight and read them to her as, after two years of being cancer-free, she  is battling the disease again. She was blessed at hearing them, and I know you will be, too.

Whoever you are, where ever you are, know that I am praying this Psalm for you.

If you have a verse that speaks to you in times of illness, please share it with us.


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