When Less is More

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Last week, I was in Florida with my sister. She’s battling metastatic breast cancer and she had chemo yesterday. In spite of how bad she feels, she plodded through the days like a trouper, letting nothing keep her from the tasks at hand.


She cleaned out a lifetime of stuff. You know the things we all collect when we’ve been married forever. Sis is a keeper of many things. It isn’t in her nature to discard much of anything. In her mind she says she doesn’t know when she may need it again.


To support this theory, as we were preparing dinner one night, Sis’s daughter-in-love searched high and low for her egg separator, to no avail. She commented that she guesses she cleaned out and got rid of too many things. Well . . . maybe. 
Decisions, Decisions


Sis managed to sort through a great many boxes. We made donations, keep, and throw-away piles of things. All in all, a good, but tiring week. Every box was  looked at and decisions made about its contents by the end of the week.


With this in mind, I hope you will forgive me for such a short blog post this week. My husband was there helping along with one of our cousins. None of us is in our youth or even middle age any longer. Frankly, we were very tired each nightt. We’re all thankful for having been able to take on such a big chore. (Hubby and I are back home in Florida tonight after two days on the road.)


As we went through all those things, making decisions about what to do with each item, we all thought maybe Marie Kondo isn’t too far off the mark when she talks about living as a minimalist. Less stuff, means more time for all the things you love and time with the people you treasure.
More Time for Fun
I think Sis is going to have a lot more time to do those things she truly enjoys rather than having to worry about cleaning out a lifetime’s accumulation. She honestly is looking forward to being free of the burden of too much stuff. 


How about you? Have you jumped on the clean it out and down-size movement? Was it hard for you to part with things? Share your experience with us.

When Less is More@DDuPreeWilliams (Click toTweet)

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HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY, EVERYONE! Thankful for my freedom and for those who gave their all that we may be free to this day, 243 years later. 
God Bless America!

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