Soul Care- Spending Creative Time with Our Creator

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve participated in an online group, not a Bible study group, per se, but one that is doing a study called Soul Care. It’s based on the book by the same name written by Edie Melson, co-director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, Mountainside Marketing Conference, and a soon to be Soul Care conference. 

This isn’t your ordinary Bible study. This is Edie’s way of taking us out of our busy days to not only spend time with God in prayer and rest, but using our creative selves to worship Him through “creative expression”. The back of the book blurb reads in part, “She has learned that sensory involvement deepens our relationship with the Father and gives rest to our weary souls. She will teach you to tap into your creativity.”

I’m so glad that I joined the online group. I missed last week due to being at a writing conference, so this week, I’ve been playing catch-up. The activities Edie has created that go along with the prayers and devotionals in Soul Care are not only fun, but are thought-provoking. I have found myself diving deep into the Word and spending time with my Father in a way I’ve never experienced. It’s life-altering and we’re only into week three.
Creative Worship

This isn’t an advertisement for Edie’s book. She hasn’t asked me to write this, in fact, I asked for her permission to write it. That is how strongly I feel about the reach of this book and what Edie has created—a very different way of not only worshiping God in art, song, prayer, journaling, but having a restful, fun time getting to know Him on a wholly new level.

Even if you don’t feel you have any artistic abilities, Edie supplies ideas for you to print out and color, and there are pages in the book for you to write your thoughts and to stamp, use stickers, washi tape—whatever your creative mind can imagine. It isn’t too late to join the group. We meet on Tuesday nights for only half an hour, as we all lead busy lives. You can do as I have done, jump in and do what you can and catch up later. 
Extraordinary and Fun

This is the most innovative, extraordinary, fun time spent with my Father I have ever participated in. Come on over and join us on the Soulful Ink Facebook group. By the way, Edie is available to teach classes on Soul Care to your church or Bible study group. She can do video meetings like the Soulful Ink Facebook group, or she may even be able to make a personal appearance. These events may be a day long or a weekend—whatever your needs may be. Contact Edie at

Does this sound like something you need or would enjoy? Go purchase your copy of Soul Care and even if you don’t join us online, you can still have fun and spend restful, creative time with God. It’s all inside the pages of the book.

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