Let Your Light Shine

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
This Sunday, December 2, 2018, is the first day of Advent. Many of you will know what this is, but many likely will not. In the Christian church, Advent is that period of time of expectation, leading up to Christmas. It includes the four Sundays preceding Christmas. During our church services on those Sundays, we light one Advent candle each Sunday.

Some will have already decorated their homes for this holy day—Christmas. You’ve put up your tree and hung garlands and wreaths. Perhaps you’ve even purchased gifts and have a few wrapped and tucked away beneath your tree.
So Many Lights

But the things that stand out in this season are the lights. So many lights. White lights, colored lights. Still lights, blinking lights. Lights everywhere. On your own tree or trees. In and on your neighbors’ homes. If you are lucky, you do not live next door to the Griswolds. And lights are in local light shows like the one here locally in Asheville at the North Carolina Arboretum.

I had never been to an outdoor light display like the Winter Lights at the Arboretum. I can tell you that it was amazing . . . and beautiful. It was well-worth the trip and the two hours spent in the cold to walk through and see the magnificent show.
We Are to Shine and Be the Light

As I was walking around looking at those beautiful lights, I wondered about my own light this season. When people see me and interact with me, do they see the light of Christ shining through me? This reminds me of the Sunday School song, “This Little Light of Mine”. I may not have understood this as a child. I probably thought I would have a candle or a flashlight. I didn’t understand that I was to shine for Jesus.

This Christmas season as you go out and view the lights around your town, will you be His light in a dark and hurting world? Share your thoughts with us.

See Isaiah 60:1-3, and  First John 1:5


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