It’s Apple Season–Have You Picked the Best One?

by Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams

This past weekend brought with it not only Labor Day weekend, but the seventy-second annual apple festival here in the mountains of Western North Carolina. This is a lovely time of year. The local orchards are packed with people eager to pick their own apples. I can see why. The trees are literally bowing down beneath the weight of the crop this year.

The varieties are many and there is something for everyone’s taste. There are the familiar red or golden delicious, Gala, which is an early variety. There are apples from Jonagold to Mutsu. That was one with which I had absolutely no familiarity. But it is very good.At any of the orchards, they have samples so you may taste prior to heading into the orchards, basket in hand.

For the little ones, there is usually some type of entertainment available. The orchard we visited this past Saturday had a firing range and air rifles. I must say, I didn’t give that a try, but I did climb upon the wooden seat of the wooden-carved and painted orchard tractor.

So Many Varieties 
Just a few apple facts here—over 7,500 varieties of apples are grown worldwide, but in the United States, only one hundred of those are grown commercially. In my area, according to the Blue Ridge Apple Growers Association, about fifteen to sixteen varieties are grown. They are ready for picking anywhere from late August to Mid-October. The flavors range from very tart to sweet. Let me add here that if you have never seen an Arkansas Black, ready in October, you are in for a treat. They truly are so dark they are almost black in appearance. Their flavor? Very tart!

But did you know that Jesus Christ is known as The Apple Tree? There are actually a few scriptures which point to this title. The Song of Solomon, although a love song between Solomon and his bride, it metaphorically refers to Jesus in Solomon 2:3. If you’ve never read the Song of Solomon, let me suggest you read it with your loved one. Such beautiful words. Two more passages in the Word are Luke 13:18-19 and Revelation 22:1-2.

Jesus Christ, The Apple Tree 
Our church choir in Birmingham, Alabama, Independent Presbyterian Church, sang an anthem called “Jesus Christ, The Apple Tree”, set to music by Elizabeth Poston (1905-1987). This was always one of my favorites at Christmas time. The melody is so simple, the words beautiful. Walking through the orchard Saturday afternoon brought to mind this lovely melody.

Should you find yourself in an apple orchard in the next few weeks, think about Jesus being the Apple Tree. He is the giver and sustainer of life—the very Tree of Life. His Word is sweet upon our lips and to our ears. He loves us with an unending, unconditional love.

If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go make some fried apple tarts. They sell those at the orchards, too, along with apple cider donuts, caramel apple cookies, and apple cake. Oh, don’t forget to get the cider! Hungry yet?

Have you ever hand-picked apples? Tell us about your experience.

It’s Apple Season-Have You Picked the Best One? @DDuPree Williams (Click to Tweet)

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