How About Your Heart?

by Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams

This month I’ve been talking about heart health with a strong emphasis on heart disease in women. I hope that as you read through these posts, you found something that made you stop and think or ask questions about your own heart health. At the very least, I hope that you know that women’s symptoms are different from men’s and that you will seek immediate help if you should experience any of the symptoms I mentioned.
Today, I have one final question for you about the state of your heart. How is it spiritually? In other words, is it right with God? Now, I am no Bible scholar, nor am I a minister of the Gospel. I am just a simple woman─wife, mother, grandmother, writer, follower of Christ.

What Do You Believe?
Have you ever questioned the state of your heart by questioning your beliefs? I mean really sat down and asked yourself what it is you believe about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, even the contents of the Bible? Let me challenge you to do just that as you examine the spiritual health of your heart.
I use the NASB, the New American Standard Bible. I like its simple wording. I can understand what it is saying and I like that. According to one source, in the NASB, the word heart is used six hundred and eight times. I believe that our heart is what drives our thoughts, actions, and even our beliefs.
God is Love
So, how about your heart? Is it filled with love─for God, Jesus, your fellow man? In the New Testament, in I John 4:8 we are told that God is love. Now, this is my own belief I am about to put forth, you may not agree with it. If God is love, then if you say you love any other person on the face of the earth, you have God dwelling within you. You cannot love in the absence of God, for God is love. I hope that makes sense to you. I have no clue if this is taught in theology classes or seminaries, or even most churches these days. This is my own discernment of this scripture and what it is saying to me.
I told someone I love dearly, who denies that God exists, my thoughts about God and love, and he argued with me. But it is an empty argument to me. I just do not understand how you can say you love if you do not have God in your heart because God is love. Therefore, love is God.
I do know that the Bible also tells us in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life (NASB). That’s a depth of love that is difficult for some to grasp.
The Heathiest Heart
Since I believe in the Trinity, it follows that if we invite Jesus to dwell within our heart, we also have God and the Holy Spirit within us as well. That is the start of the healthiest heart ever─inviting Jesus to dwell within ours.  Come to Him with a contrite heart. I John 1:9 tells us If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (NASB).
I hope that you will consider your personal heart health this month─physically and spiritually.
If you learned something from these posts about the state of your heart, please share it with us.

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