God is Always Up to Something

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Man am I pooped! I need some of Lucy’s Vitameatavegamin. I don’t think it would do me any good as I am just way too pooped to pop out at parties. Those of you of a certain age will know exactly what I’m talking about.

Not this past weekend, but the one before that, my husband drove our son and all of his belongings to Texas. Now, from Tampa, that’s a long, long trip. Two full days of driving only to arrive to find that the apartment isn’t ready and son couldn’t move in. He finally got to do so this past Friday, a week later than promised. Heavy sigh.

Onward and Upward

Hubby flew home just in time to help me finish packing up our things for our move back to North Carolina. While packing, we’ve had to stop in the middle of things to show our villa, and to participate in a neighborhood-wide open house  this past Sunday. While loading the truck today (yes, we’re doing it ourselves) we had to stop and leave so that someone could come see our home.

But we are almost finished. All that is left is to put ourselves, J behind the wheel of the truck, and I behind the wheel of our family vehicle, and drive to the mountains.

While outside this evening directing hubby in backing into our driveway with said truck, I was shivering. We’ve had fabulous Florida weather for the past several days. Temps have been in the low to mid-eighties. Tonight was different. There was a definite chill in the air.

Now, normally, I’d be complaining about the cold. I hate cold weather. Period. But tonight, I stopped and thanked God for bringing the cooler temps our way in order for my body and mind to adjust to the frigid temperatures awaiting us when we arrive at our home on Wednesday night (yesterday as you’re reading this).
God is Good

God is good like that. He gives us what we need even when we don’t know we need it, or aren’t expecting it. He’s always behind the scenes, working things out for our good. (Remember Jeremiah 29:11, one of my favorite scripture verses.) For that, I am thankful. The twenty-degree temps awaiting us won’t seem as harsh after the chilly weather that arrived tonight, and our drive north through even colder air than that of the Tampa area, will certainly help to acclimate us.

What has God done for you lately—something you didn’t expect? He’s always up to something, even when we can’t see it. Share your experience with us, please.


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