Five Ways to Share Christmas Year-Round

 By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams

Thanksgiving has just passed and we’ve entered into Advent. I love this time of year. Everyone seems to go out of their way to be nice to others on good old planet Earth. Doesn’t it make you wish that we lived in this season year-round?

Good news!

We don’t have to live this way for only a few weeks of the year. We can actually carry Christmas in our hearts throughout the year, and we can spread that joy to those we meet on a day to day basis.

List of Five Things
Here’s a list of just a few things we do at Christmas that we could do at other times during the calendar year.

Leave an extra something in your tip at your local coffee shop or restaurant. Those folks work really hard to bring you the best experience you can have at those establishments. Remember, someone working in there has to keep even the restrooms clean. Not only that, but they’ve been on their feet for hours, often running around like crazy to make you the perfect salted caramel mocha latte with almond milk, whipped cream, no cherry, twelve extra Sweet and Lows and, oh hold the salt in the caramel. To me, these things warrant a big tip. Do you know they work on Christmas Day? So, visit them on a summer day and leave a BIG tip. You’ll make someone’s day, maybe even their week.

Most groceries these days don’t want us to tip the bag-person. For years, I’ve done this every time I shop. If management has a problem with that, they need to speak to me and I’ll explain to them my reasons for doing so. I have a hard time carrying those heavy bags or pushing that cart to my car. I like to say thank you to the person who helps me. Put your gift in a festive envelope and hand it to the person who carries out your groceries. Not just at Christmas, but any time.  
I saw friends do this on Facebook. This is the time of year the poor UPS or FedEx folks are making multiple trips to our homes, often with very heavy packages or lots of them. How about leaving out a basket with bottled water or sodas and snacks for a quick pick-me-up for these good folks? And not just at Christmas, but anytime during the year you know you’ll have a package delivered. Summer time would be an excellent choice for this little surprise. These days, we can almost time our deliveries to the minute, so go get those snacks out there!

Now, we all know how the ladies like to look extra special during the holiday season. After all, all those parties mean we may need a more frequent tune-up. So, don’t forget to take a big tip to your favorite hairdresser. Like the baristas, they’ve been on their feet all day, too. But you could do this anytime during the year. Pick a random visit and give them an unexpected something extra. Even if it’s just a cookie or something like that from the local bakery.

We all have doctors and dentists. I love the people who take care of me in each of these offices. They’ve been so good to me. I have a gorgeous new smile, thanks to the talented folks at my dentist’s office. And I’m in good health and well-taken-care-of thanks to my doctor and her staff. I try to take a basket of goodies to be shared within the office. Or, perhaps you’d like to send a lunch delivery one day if you have the funds to do that. Surprise them, and do it on an ordinary day during the year. Don’t wait for Christmas. (My dentist LOVES peanut butter brownies!)

I’m going to stop with these five, but the list could be endless. I do believe that we could make a difference in this world if we kept the joy alive that we feel during Christmastide.

What are some things you could add to this list? Share your thoughts with us.


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