Dreams Do Come True

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
When is the last time you thought about your hopes and dreams? Have they come to be? Are you still pursuing them?

I’m here to tell you—don’t ever give up on those dreams. You never know when a door will open and all you will have to do is walk through. That happened to me this year and it recently happened for one son.
Trust and Prepare

We may think that we are  too old or too young, not qualified, not whatever enough. But you must remember that God has the last word. If you trust in him with all your heart and you do your best to prepare yourself for your dreams, then you sit back and watch God at work.

For some, it may be a pretty long wait, while for others, it could be very short. My dream was a long time in coming. I’ve raised four sons to adulthood, but all the while, I’ve been working away at my lifelong dream of becoming a published author. That is going to happen next year.

Who could have anticipated that a decision made by my husband and me would be the catalyst that propelled our youngest son head-long into being one step closer to his dream? But that is exactly what happened. God laid on our hearts that we needed to sell our Florida properties. In so doing, two of our  were forced to make decisions about their lives. One chose to move to another state.
Dream Job

When he made that move, he couldn’t have imagined what awaited him. He had been in the new state about two weeks, working a job he wasn’t crazy about, when a door opened to him for a job he is going to love—a job that will allow him to pursue his dream of being a voice actor. While he was busy closing the door on one life, packing boxes, filing away memories, saying goodbye to longtime friends, God was busy behind the scenes making way for him to step into this new position.

The same thing happened to me. While I was busy raising my boys, helping them learn to write for school projects, reading everything I could on the craft of writing, God was going before me and preparing the way. All of my decisions were mine, of course, but God already knew the plans he had for me. He used my sister to tell me something out of the blue one day. Her statement led me to my first writers conference and to new friendships within the writing world.  I just had to listen and obey.

The same was true for my son. God was opening doors where there seemed to be no door. In fact, he thought he’d closed the door on that part of his life over two years ago, but God knew it would open again. And what a blessing this move has been. We anxiously await all the blessings in store for this son.

We continue to pray for our other three sons and the paths they will take. They all know their Mama’s verse by now—Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (NIV)

Keep dreaming your dreams and keep waiting patiently for that door to open. In the meantime, prepare yourself to the best of your abilities and remember, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (NIV)

Have you seen hopes and dreams fulfilled? How do you think that happened? Share your story with us.

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